电子邮件: hdyu@sjtu.edu.cn
2020- 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院薄板结构制造研究所 教 授
2010-2019 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院薄板结构制造研究所 副教授
2011-2012 德国斯图加特大学计算与工程力学研究所 访问学者
2006-2009 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院薄板结构制造研究所 讲 师
2004-2006 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院薄板结构制造研究所 博士后
1. 亚洲多体动力学委员会,委员
1 名称:材料机械性能
对象: 本科生:
学时: 48学时:
学分: 3学分
2 名称:工程材料
对象: 本科生:
学时: 48学时:
学分: 3学分
3 名称:应用固体力学
对象: 研究生:
学时: 48学时:
学分: 3学分
1. 2024-2026,重点研发计划,变截面超高强梁类结构整体渐进冷成形工艺与装备,负责人
2. 2023-2024,校企合作,运动机构空间轨迹姿态偏差分析,负责人
3. 2024-2026,上海汽车工业科技发展基金会,整车重量数据价值生成原理及产品定义分级策略研究,负责人
4. 2023-2026,国家自然基金面上项目,塑性变形下超大含筋结构装配偏差精确预测与补偿控制,负责人
5. 2022-2022,商飞系统工程创新中心联合研究基金项目,民用飞机旋转作动器关键性能与核心部件技术研究,负责人
6. 2021-2022,校企合作,射流盘组件过盈配合与装配偏差分析,负责人
7. 2022-2022,校企合作,多物理场耦合优化设计技术合作,负责人
8. 2022-2025, 国防基础科研项目,空间大面积柔性太阳能电池翼装配技术研究,主要参与人
9. 2020-2025,重点研发计划,重型运载火箭薄壁结构立式装配原理及形性综合控制,主要参与人
10. 2018-2021,国家自然基金面上项目,超大薄壁结构装配偏差精确计算与场传递建模方法研究,负责人
11. 2013-2016,国家自然基金面上项目,面向复杂载荷的硬岩掘进装备不确定性约束下非线性动力学特性及顺应性设计研究,负责人
12. 2010-2012,国家自然科学青年基金项目,变约束冗余驱动掘进机机械系统非线性动力学特性研究,负责人
13. 2016-2016,上海中航商发制造公司“装配方法和装配参数对装配特性影响分析与验证”,负责人
14. 2015-2018,04科技重大专项子课题,运载火箭柔性变位工装及喷涂机器人控制系统研制,负责人
15. 2014-2014,上海宇航系统研究所,大型空间组合体舱段间连接刚度非线性建模研究,负责人
16. 2013-2014,国家商用飞机制造工程技术研究中心创新基金,基于应力水平的自动钻铆工艺和机械性能评估方法研究,负责人
17. 2014-2015,基于并联机构的六自由度定位调节平台研制,中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所,负责人
18. 2009-2010,教育部高等学校博士学科点专项科研基金(新教师)“复杂工况下冗余驱动全断面盾构机载荷传递研究”,负责人
19. 2014-2018 国家973子课题“超大尺度薄壁结构装配偏差控制与制造质量综合评估”,学术骨干
20. 2007-2011,国家973项目子课题“大型掘进装备复杂机械系统顺应性设计”,学术骨干
21. 2011-2014,国家973项目子课题“大型构件去除成形中零残余应力控制”,主要参与人
22. 2013-2017,国家973项目子课题“推进系统的高刚度设计及振动能量耗吸机理”,主要参与人
1. Yujin Lin, Chang Gao, Yifan Niu, Haidong Yu, Large elastoplastic deformation prediction for stiffened plate based on incremental absolute nodal coordinate formulation, Thin-Walled Structure, 208 (2025) 112855,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tws.2024.112855
2. Chang Gao, Haidong Yu, Bin Gu, Yujin Lin, Assembly deviation analysis for large closed thin-walled structures with geometrical deviation and jointed deformation, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture
3. Ke Yuan, Chang Gao, Yujin Lin, Haidong Yu, A new analytical model for predicting the welding deformation of large welded plates with equivalent moments, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining
4. Haidong Yu, Ke Yuan, Bin Gu, Effect of elastic pre-bending on mitigating welding deformation for aluminium alloy thick-walled plates joined by FSW, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining
1. Jia Cheng, Bin Gu, Haidong Yu, Chang Gao, Optimizing pipeline assembly: a novel model for predicting assembly pose considering clamp constraints, Robotic Intelligence and Automation, 2024, 44(6): 922-934
2. Sheng Liu, Haidong Yu, Zikang Xia, Kunyong Chen. A new virtual functional element method for deviation prediction of assembled structures with parallel connection chain, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2024, 48: 42-54
3. Sheng Liu, Haidong Yu. A novel fuzzy algorithm for assembly precision management. Applied Mathematical Modelling,2024, 135: 790-806.
4. Sheng Liu, Bin Gu, Haidong Yu, Chenxuan Hu. Tolerance design of revolute clearance joints for aero-engine planar maneuvering mechanism by uncertain dynamic performance evaluation. International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design, 2024. 20: 1099–1117
5. Ke Yuan, Bin Gu, Shixuan Sun, Haidong Yu, Characterization of heterogeneous mechanical properties for thick welded joints with flow stress variation in the transverse and thickness directions, International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 133(2024) 1833–1843
6. Chenxuan Hu, Haidong Yu, Bin Gu, Chang Gao, An energy flow analysis for multibody dynamic behavior of cable-membrane system, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2024.112: 9827-9844
1. Sheng Liu, Haidong Yu, Zikang Xia, Kunyong Chen, A new virtual functional element method for deviation prediction of assembled structures with parallel connection chain, CIRP Journal of Manufacturing Science and Technology, 2024, 48: 42-54
2. Haidong Yu, Chang Gao, Ke Yuan, Wei Chen, Three-dimensional analytical model for residual stress in the weld of thick plates by friction stir welding, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2023, 129, 4369-4381
3. Chang Gao, Haidong Yu, Bin Gu, Yujin Lin, Modeling and analysis of assembly variation with non-uniform stiffness condensation for large thin-walled structures. Thin-Walled Structures. 2023, 191: 111042.
4. Chang Gao, Haidong Yu, Bin Gu and Yujin Lin, The deformation analysis of friction stir welding with different clamping distances for large thin-walled joints, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2023, 23(5): 415-423.
5. Chenxuan Hu, Haidong Yu, Zikang Xia, Bin Gu, Flexible assembly research for cylindrical interference fit with form error in shaft-hole structures, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture,2023, 237(1-2): 203-215.
6. 余海东,高畅,赵勇,袁可. 机械产品装配偏差分析方法研究进展与展望. 机械工程学报, 2023, 59(09): 212-229.
1. Ke Yuan, Haidong Yu, Xun Xu, Bin Zheng, Semi-analytical model for material flow behavior in thick plates via friction stir welding, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2022, 121:487–501
2. Yang Dan, Yu Haidong, Lin Zhangpeng, Dynamic Analysis and Optimal Parameter Design of Flexible Composite Structures via Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation, Journal of Shang-hai Jiao Tong University (Science), 2022, 27(2): 1-9,
3. Kunyong Chen, Yong Zhao, Yuming Liu, Haidong Yu, Shunzhou Huang,Optimization Method for Spatial Route Adjustment of Multi-bends Pipes Considering Assembly Demands,Assembly Automation, DOI 10.1108/AA-10-2021-0132
4. Chang Gao, Haidong Yu, Ke Yuan, Xinmin Lai, The optimal control of assembly deviation for large thin-walled structures based on basic deviation patterns, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture, 2022, 236(3), 204-218
1. Haidong Yu, Xun Xu, Kunyong Chen, Chang Gao. Analytical model for three-dimensional non-uniform temperature field and welding stress of thick plates via friction stir weld. Int J Adv Manuf Technol 2021, 115, 2343–2351
2. 任书锋,杨丹,余海东, 王皓,空间两刚体滚动约束系统在线运动规划,上海交通大学学报,2021, 55(8): 1009-1017
3. 杨丹,孔兆财,杨国藩,余海东,火箭发动机氢氧泵结构公差优化分配方法,机械设计与研究,2021. 37(04): 208-212+217
1. Haidong Yu, Yunyong Li, Lin Li, Evaluating some dynamic aspects of TBMs performance in uncertain complex geological structures, Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 2020,96(1): 103216
2. Haidong Yu, Zijie Zhao, Dan Yang, Chang Gao, A new composite plate/plate element for stiffened plate structures via absolute nodal coordinate formulation, Composite structures, 2020. 247: 34541-6.
3. Xun Xu, Haidong Yu, Zhangpeng Lin, Study of residual stress variation with depth of friction stir welded aluminium plates with different thicknesses, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2020, 25(4): 297-302
4. Haidong Yu, Yunyong Li, Xun Xu, Bin Zheng, Out-of-plane distortion prediction of large thin-walled structures induced by friction stir welding, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2020, 25(1): 45-55
5. 余海东,来新民,林忠钦,航天大型薄壁结构装配制造尺寸精度预测与控制方法,上海航天,2020. 37(3): 1-10
1. Haidong Yu, Xun Xu, Bin Zheng, Xinmin Lai, Welding-induced Buckling Prediction for Large Thin-walled Cylindrical Structures with Non-uniform Stress Fields by Friction Stir Welding, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 103(9): 4635-4647
2. Haidong Yu, Bin Zheng, Xun Xu, Xinmin Lai, Residual stress and fatigue behavior of rivet-ed lap joints with various riveting sequences, rivet patterns and pitches, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part B: Journal of Engineering Manufacture,2019, 233(12): 2306-2319.
3. Haidong Yu, Yunyong Li, Xun Xu, Bin Zheng, Out-of-plane distortion prediction of large thin-walled structures induced by friction stir welding, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2019, online
4. Xun Xu, Haidong Yu, Yunyong Li, Xinmin Lai, Compliant assembly deviation analysis of large-scale thin-walled structures in different clamping schemes via ANCF, Assembly Automation,2019,online
5. Xun Xu, Haidong Yu, Zhangpeng Lin, Study of Nonuniform In-depth Residual Stress of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Plates with Different Thicknesses, Science and Technology of Welding and Joining, 2019, online
6. Yunyong Li, Yong Zhao, Haidong Yu, Xinmin Lai, Modeling deviation propagation of compliant assembly considering form defects based on basic deviation fields, Assembly Automation. 2019, 39(1): 226-242
7. Haidong Yu, Yunyong Li, Aolin Chen, Hao Wang, Dynamic Behaviors of Composite Flexi-ble Structure with Dielectric Elastomer Actuator via Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics
8. 易灿明,余海东,王皓,基于绝对节点坐标法的压电驱动复合结构动力学特性研究,上海交通大学学报, 2019, 53(6): 665-672
9. 汤一博,孙宏波,余海东,郑斌,来新民,夹具拘束下大型薄壁铝合金结构搅拌摩擦焊接变形特性,中国机械工程,2019, 30(15):1881-1889
1. Haidong Yu ,Chunzhang Zhao , Xinmin Lai, Compliant Assembly Variation Analysis of Scalloped Segment Plates With a New Irregular Quadrilateral Plate Element Via ANCF[J]. Journal of Manufacturing Science and Engineering, 2018, 140(9): 091006.
2.Haidong Yu, Chunzhang Zhao, Bin Zheng, et al. Compliant assembly variation analysis of thin-walled structures based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation[J]. Assembly Automation, 2018, 38(2): 125-141.
3. Haidong YU, Canming YI and Hao WANG, Dynamic Behaviors of Composite Flexible Structure with Piezoelectric Actuators via Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation, the 5th Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics.
4. 余海东,李 琳,赵 勇,陶建峰,复杂地质条件下TBM撑靴液压缸导向铜套微动损伤分析,机械工程学报,2018,54(1):74-81.
5. 钱彦懿, 王慧, 余海东. 基于绝对节点坐标法的钢索结构动力学模型与特性[J]. 中国机械工程, 2018, 29(13):1540-1546.
1.Haidong Yu, Bin Zheng, Xinmin Lai. A modeling study of welding stress induced by friction stir welding. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 2017, 254(4):213-220.
2.Haidong Yu, Jian Zhang, Hao Wang,Dynamic performance of over-constrained planar mechanisms with multiple revolute clearance joints, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2017:0954406217738032.
3. Haidong Yu, Chunzhang Zhao, Hui Zheng, A Higher-order Variable Cross-section Viscoe-lastic Beam Element via ANCF for Kinematic and Dynamic Analyses of Two-link Flexible Manipulators, International Journal of Applied Mechanics, 2017, 9(8):1750116-12.
4. Haidong Yu, Chunzhang Zhao, Bin Zheng, Hao Wang. A new higher-order locking-free beam element based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation., Proceedings of the In-stitution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,2017, 232(19): 3410-3423.
5. Zheng B, Yu H D, Lai X M. Assembly deformation prediction of panels by using equivalent mechanical model. Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology,2017, 92(5-8): 1955-1966.
6. Chunzhang Zhao, Haidong Yu, Bin Zheng, Hao Wang. New stiffened plate elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multibody Dynamics, 2017.231(1):213-229.
7. Yunyong Li, Yong Zhao, Haidong Yu, Xinmin Lai,Compliant assembly variation analysis of sheet metal with shape errors based on primitive deformation patterns,Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,2017:0954406217720231
8. Haidong YU, Jingjing LUO, Canming YI, Hao WANG,Kinematic and Dynamic Behavior of Hyperelastic Plate with External Force via Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation,ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, Prague, Czech Republic.
9.李琳,余海东,陶建峰,刘成良. 变刚度条件下隧道掘进机撑靴液压缸的动态特性 [J]. 上海交通大学学报. 2017, 51(9):1058-1064.
10.罗晶晶,余海东,赵春璋,王 皓, 基于绝对节点坐标法变截面柔性梁运动稳定性研究 [J]. 上海交通大学学报. 2017,51(10):1174-1180.
1. Haidong Yu, Chunzhang Zhao, Hao Wang, Yong Zhao, Experimental and Numerical Analysis on Load-sharing Behavior of Gear Set with Simultaneously Actuated Pinions,Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science,2016.230(7-8)1198-1208.
2. Chunzhang Zhao, Haidong Yu, Bin Zheng, Hao Wang. New stiffened plate elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multibody Dynamics, 2016: 1464419316660931.
3. Bin Zheng, Haidong Yu, Xinmin Lai, Zhongqin Lin, Analytical model for residual stresses induced by riveting process and fatigue life prediction, Journal of Aircraft,2016(53)5: 1431-1438.
4. 唐国文,余海东,谢启江。不确定性地质参数下TBM掘进过程动态特性与评价,上海交通大学学报,2016:50(11):13-18.
5. 郑斌,余海东,林忠钦,邹成,铝锂合金薄板自动钻铆残余应力特性研究,上海交通大学,上海交通大学学报,2016,04:595-600+607.
6. Longlong Sun, Haidong Yu, Yong Zhao. A Nonlinear Dynamics Model of TBM with Variable Contact Stiffnesses of the Grippers and the Hinges [C]. The 12th IEEE/ASME International Conference on Mechatronic and Embedded Systems and Applications, Auckland, New Zealand, August 29-31, 2016
7. Bin Zheng, Haidong Yu, Xun Wang, Xinmin Lai. Effect Of Surface Roughness And Residual Stress Induced By High Speed Milling Process On Short Crack Growth [C]. Proceedings of the Manufacturing Science and Engineering Conference (ASME 2016), Virginia, USA, June 27–July 1, 2016. DOI: 10.1115/MSEC2016-8503
8. Lin Li, Haidong Yu, Jianfeng Tao, Chengliang Liu. Dynamic Behavior of Gripper Cylinder in TBM with Variable stiffness [C]. The 24th International Congress of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Montreal, Canada, August 21-26, 2016.
1. Haidong Yu, Chunzhang Zhao, Yong Zhao, Hao Wang, Xinmin Lai, Deformation of Thin-Walled Structures in Assemble Process with Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation, ICIRA 2015, Part II, LNAI 9245, Pages 619–629
2. Chunzhang ZHAO, Haidong YU, Hao WANG, Yong ZHAO, Dynamic Analysis of the Rotating Thin-walled Plate via the Absolute Nodal Coordinate Formulation, ECCOMAS Thematic Conference on Multibody Dynamics, June 29-July 2, 2015, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
3. 谢启江,余海东。硬岩掘进机刀盘载荷与撑靴接触界面刚度的耦合关系,上海交通大学学报,2015,49(9):1269-1275
2. Chunzhang Zhao, Haidong Yu, Zhongqin Lin,Yong Zhao. Dynamic model and behavior of viscoelastic beam based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part K: Journal of Multi-body Dynamics, 2014: 1464419314548292.
4. 余海东,郝培,赵勇,硬岩掘进装备支撑系统界面接触刚度非线性特性研究,机械工程学报,2014.50(21):54-59 (2014.11.出版)
5. 赵春璋,余海东,王皓,赵勇,基于绝对节点坐标法的变截面梁动力学建模与运动变形分析,机械工程学报,2014. 50(17) : 38-45.
6. 郝 培,余海东,赵勇, 考虑隧道表面特性的TBM掘进机撑靴接触界面刚度分析,上海交通大学学报,2014.48(6):827-832
7.Chunzhang Zhao, Haidong Yu, and Yong Zhao,Dynamical Behavior of Redundant Thrusting Mechanical System in Shield Machines with Various Grouping Strategies,the 6th international conference on intelligent robotics and applications, Sept. 25-28, 2013, Busan, Korea, (EI) ICIRA 2013, Part II, LNAI 8103: 690-699, 2013
8. Haidong Yu, Peter Eberhard, Yong Zhao, Hao Wang, Sharing behavior of load transmission on gear pair systems actuated by parallel arrangements of multiple pinions, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 2013.65(7):58-70
9. 袁镭,余海东,李建军,赵勇,基于几何耦合模型的多齿轮驱动系统偏载特性研究,上海交通大学学报,2013, 47(5): 687-691.
10. 李建军,余海东,赵勇,来新民,盾构机冗余驱动推进系统不同分组策略的动力传递特性实验研究,中国机械工程,2013. 24(21):2861-2866.
11. Haidong Yu, Yongjin Guo, Kaizhi Zhang, Xinmin Lai,Constitutive model on the description of plastic behavior of DP600 steel at strain rate from 10-4 to103s-1,Computational Materials Science,2009.46(1) :36-41
12. Haidong Yu, Yongjin Guo, Xinmin Lai, Rate-dependent behavior and constitutive model of DP600 steel at stain rate from 10-4 to 103s-1, Material and Design, 2009.30(7), 2501-2505
13. Kaizhi Zhang, Haidong Yu, Xiaoxing Zeng, Xinmin Lai. Numerical Simulation of Instability Conditions in Multiple Pinion Drives [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2011. 225: 1319-1327
14. Kaizhi Zhang, Haidong Yu, Zhongpo Liu, XInmin Lai. Dynamic characteristic analysis of TBM tunnelling in mixed-face conditions[J]. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 2010, 18(7): 1019-1031.
15.Han Xu, Guo Yongjin, Yu Haidong, Zhu Ping, Interior Sound Field Refinement of a Passenger Car Using Modified Panel Acoustic Contribution Analysis,International Journal of Automotive Technology,2009, 10(1):79-85
16. Haidong Yu, Zhongpo Liu, Kaizhi Zhang, Xinmin Lai,The Reconfiguration Design of Redundant Thrust of Shields Excavating in Various Geologic Conditions,Second International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Application, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNAI 5928, 326-335, 2009.
17. Kaizhi Zhang, Haidong Yu, Zhongpo Liu, Xinmin Lai, Analysis for Dynamic Load Behavior of Shield Thrust System Considering Variable Boundary Constraints,Second International Conference on Intelligent Robotics and Application, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, LNAI 5928, 297-306, 2009.
18.Haidong Yu, Chunzhang Zhao, Yong Zhao, Xinmin Lai, Experimental and Numerical Study on Load Sharing Behavior of Gear System Actuated by Multiple Pinions Simultaneously, XXIII ICTAM, August 2012, Beijing, China
19. H. Yu, P. Eberhard, Y. Zhao, H. Wang, Correlation of the Instability Conditions and Relevant Design Parameters in Multiple Pinion Drives, The 2nd Joint International Conference on Multibody System Dynamics, 2012, Stuttgart, Germany
4.一种薄壁柱面构件柔性滚弯成形边波控制的方法,专利授权号: ZL2015100338224
5.具有偏载自协调能力的冗余子驱动单元,专利授权号: ZL2015100338224
6.软式飞机机械式操纵系统的仿真实现方法,专利公开号: CN201710357267
7.一种贮箱产品几何精度一致性评价方法,专利公开号: CN201710357267
8.余海东,赵勇,李建军,邵鑫,来新民,面向复杂变载荷的掘进机顺应性设计实验装置,专利申请号:201110227629.6,CN 102393270 A
9余海东,邵鑫,王皓,来新民,掘进机力传递特性试验装置. 201010135996.9.
10.朱平,韩旭,郭永进,余海东,车辆系统结构振动和噪声的传递路径检测系统,CN 101271022
11.朱平,韩旭,郭永进,余海东,点焊连接失效数值模拟系统,发明专利公开号:CN 101261653
1. 2018年 中国质量协会质量技术奖,一等奖,第二完成人
2. 2018年 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院“最受欢迎毕业生导师”
3. 2015年 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院“最受欢迎的教师”
4. 2014年 上海交通大学烛光奖励计划二等奖
5. 2013年 上海交通大学“优秀班主任”称号
6. 2006年上海市大学生暑假社会实践活动“优秀指导教师”称号。
7. 2006年上海交通大学暑期社会实践活动“优秀指导教师”称号。