办公电话:021-3420 7594
2008 - 2012 香港科技大学,机械工程专业博士
2006 - 2008 哈尔滨工业大学,化学工程与技术专业硕士
2002 - 2006 哈尔滨工业大学,化学工程与技术专业学士
2024 - 至今 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,燃料电池研究所,教授
2019 - 2024 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,燃料电池研究所,副教授
2014 - 2018 上海交通大学机械与动力工程学院,燃料电池研究所,讲师
2012 - 2013 香港科技大学,机械工程系,博士后
在PEM燃料电池与电解水制氢、二氧化碳/氮电化学还原相关领域发表SCI论文150余篇,引用5000余次 (google scholar),h-index: 37,4篇入选ESI高被引论文,出版中英文专著2部。
1. Y Guo, N Sun, L Luo, X Cheng, X Chen, X Yan, S Shen, J Zhang, Potential-dependent insights into the origin of high ammonia yield rate on copper surface via nitrate reduction: A computational and experimental study[J]. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2024, 96, 272-281.
2. M Cheng, M Liu, Y Feng, Y Guo, H Xu, L Luo, J Yin, X Yan, S Shen, J Zhang, Technical challenges and enhancement strategies for transitioning PEMFCs from H2-air to H2-O2[J]. Energy Conversion and Management, 2024, 311, 118525.
3. Luo, XS; Fu,CH; Zulipiya, S; Ma, L; An, L; Luo, LX*; Guo, YG; Yin, JW; Yan, XH; He, MM; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Regulating the surface Pt coordination environment in the PtN overlayers on PtCuN hollow nanospheres for efficient oxygen reduction reaction[J]. Applied Catalysis A: General, 2024, 682119817.
4. X Yan, J Li, S Yuan, C Zhao, C Fu, S Shen, J Yin, J Zhang, Influence and Improvement of Membrane Electrode Assembly Fabrication Methods for Proton Exchange Membrane Water Electrolysis[J]. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2024, 171 (6), 064504.
5. Z Shadike, Y Chen, L Liu, X Cai, S Shen, J Zhang, Improved cyclic stability of LiNi0. 8Mn0. 1Co0. 1O2 cathode enabled by a novel CEI forming additive[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2024, 1-10.
6. S Yuan, C Zhao, C Fu, J Li, Y Su, R Xue, S Shen, J Yin, X Yan, J Zhang, Discovery of bubble accumulation behavior in catalyst layer of proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 227, 125552.
7. S Yuan, C Zhao, L Luo, C Fu, H Li, L An, X Cheng, S Shen, J Yin, X Yan, J Zhang, Revealing the Role of the Ionomer at the Triple-Phase Boundary in a Proton-Exchange Membrane Water Electrolyzer[J], The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2024, 15 (19), 5223-5230.
8. Y Su, X Cheng, Y Feng, H Li, C Yan, M He, L Luo, S Shen, X Yan, J Zhang, Hierarchical catalyst layer structure for enhancing local oxygen transport in low Pt proton exchange membrane fuel cells[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2024, 603, 234453.
9. S Yuan, C Zhao, H Li, S Shen, X Yan, J Zhang, Rational electrode design for low-cost proton exchange membrane water electrolyzers[J]. Cell Reports Physical Science, 2024, 5(3), 101880.
10. Wang EP, Luo LX, Feng Y, Wu AM, Li HY, Luo XS, Guo YG, Tan ZH, Zhu FJ, Yan XH, Kang Q, Zhuang ZH, Yang DH, Shen SY, Zhang JL, Ultrafine ordered L12-Pt–Co–Mn ternary intermetallic nanoparticles as high-performance oxygen-reduction electrocatalysts for practical fuel cells[J]. Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2024, 93, 157-165.
11. Cheng M, Luo LX, Feng Y, Feng QL, Yan XH, Shen SY, Guo YG, Zhang JL, Numerical studies on porous water transport plates applied in PEMFCs under pure oxygen condition[J]. Applied Energy, 2024, 362, 122903.
12. You JB, Li HY, Feng Y, Cheng XJ, Luo LX, Yang DH, Wei GH, Shen SY, Yan XH, Zhang JL, Insight into oxygen diffusion mechanism in ionomer film on catalyst surface with varying perfluorosulfonic acid and water contents[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 12(12), 7248-7256.
13. Cheng Xj, Zhou JH, Luo LX, Shen SY, Zhang JL, Boosting Bulk Oxygen Transport with Accessible Electrode Nanostructure in Low Pt Loading PEMFCs[J]. Small, 2024, 2308563.
14. Xu HH, Zheng ZF, Hu J, Li HY, Cheng XJ, Guo YG, Luo LX, Yin JW, Yan XH, Wu R, Shen SY, Zhang JL, An improved agglomerate model with adsorption isotherm for oxygen transport in CCLs with low Pt loading[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2024, 222, 125173.
15. An L, Cai XY, Yang F, You JB, Yuan S, Zhao LT, Zhao CF, Luo LX, Yan XH, Shen SY, Zhang JL, Reconstructed RuMnOx with enhanced performance in acidic water oxidation[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2024, 652, 159251.
16. Li HY, You JB, Cheng XJ, Luo LX, Yan XH, Yin JW, Shen SY, Zhang JL, Unraveling the Effects of Carbon Corrosion on Oxygen Transport Resistance in Low Pt Loading Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2024, 16 (1), 540-554.
17. Liu L, Shadike Z, Cai XY , Hong MW, Gao Y, Shen SY, Zhang JL, Regulating the solvation structure of an acetonitrile-based electrolyte for Li/NMC811 batteries cycled at low temperature[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2024, 12 (12), 6947-6954.
18. Li, HY; You, JB; Feng, Y; Yan, XH; Yin, JW; Luo, LX; He, MM; Cheng, XJ; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Comprehensive understanding of oxygen transport at Gas/ionomer/electrocatalyst triple phase boundary in PEMFCs[J]. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 478: 147454.
19. Luo, LX; Fu, CH; Tan, ZH; Luo, XS; Guo, YG; Cai, XY; Cheng, XJ; Yan, XH; Kang, Q; Zhuang, ZC; Yin, JW; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Altering the electronic structure and surface chemical environment of Pt{100} facets via synergizing with Ir species for enhanced oxygen-reduction activity and stability[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2023, 53: 483-489.
20. Cai, XY; Zulipiya, Shadike; Wang, N; Liu, L; Hu, EY; Zhang, JL, Oxygen redox chemistry: A new approach to high energy density world[J]. Next Materials, 2023, 100086.
21. Cai, XY; Li, XD; You, JB; Yang, F; Zulipiya, Shadike; Qin, S; Luo, LX; Guo, YG; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Xu, ZC; Zhang, JL, Lithium-Mediated Ammonia Electrosynthesis with Ether-Based Electrolytes[J]. Journal of the American Chemical Society, 2023, 145, 47, 25716–25725.
22. Zhao, LT; Guo, YG; Luo, LX; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, 金属纳米晶体电催化剂的电化学合成:原理、应用与挑战. 物理化学学报:2023, 1-14.
23. Wu, ZY; Luo, XS; Luo, LX; Guo, YG; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, 氢燃料电池阳极抗一氧化碳毒化催化剂的研究进展与展望. 中国科学: 技术科学, 2023, 53.
24. Fu, CH; Thomas O'Carroll; Shen, SY; Luo, LX; Zhang, JL; Xu, H; Wu, G, Metallic-Ir-based Anode Catalysts in PEM Water Electrolyzers: Achievements, Challenges, and Perspectives[J]. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2023: 101227.
25. Chen, YD; Tan, ZH; Wang, EP; Yin, JW; Luo, LX; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Progress and prospects of dealloying methods for energy-conversion electrocatalysis[J]. Dalton Transactions, 2023.
26. You, JB; Zheng, ZF; Cheng, XJ; Li, HY; Fu, CH; Luo, LX; Wei, GH; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Zhang, JL, Insight into Oxygen Transport in Solid and High-Surface-Area Carbon Supports of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(17): 21457-21466.
27. Hu, CY; Wei, GH; Zhu, FJ; Wu, AM; Luo, LX; Shen, SY; Jia, NQ; Zhang, JL, Label-Free Electrochemical Biosensing Architecture Based on a Protein-Decorated Pt@ BSA Nanocomposite for Sensitive Immunoassay of Pathogenic Escherichia coli O157: H7[J]. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023.
28. Sun, NN; Guo, YG; Luo, LX; Cai, XY; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Facile synthesis of CuCo-CoO composite electrocatalyst for nitrate reduction to ammonia with high activity, selectivity and stability[J]. Applied Surface Science, 2023, 624: 157118.
29. Cai, XY; Zulipiya Shadike; Cai, XinY; Li, XD; Luo, LX; An, L; Yin, JW; Wei, GH; Yang, F; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Membrane electrode assembly design for lithium-mediated electrochemical nitrogen reduction[J]. Energy & Environmental Science, 2023.
30. Luo, XS; Fu, CH; Shen, SY; Luo, LX; Zhang, JL, Free–templated synthesis of N–doped PtCu porous hollow nanospheres for efficient ethanol oxidation and oxygen reduction reactions[J]. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2023, 330: 122602.
31. Yuan, S; Zhao, CF; Mei, XH; Shen, SY; Wang, Q; Yan, XH; Zhang, JL, Bubble management in PEM water electrolysis via imprinting patterned grooves on catalyst layer[J]. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2023, 212: 124249.
32. Xu, ZL; Yuan, S; An, L; Shen, SY; Xu, Q; Yan, XH; Zhang, JL, Effect of Substrate Surface Charges on Proton Conduction of Ultrathin Nafion Films[J]. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(8): 10735-10743.
33. Zhao, CF; Yuan, S; Cheng, XJ; Zheng, ZF; Liu, J; Yin, JW; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Zhang, JL, The effect of catalyst layer design on catalyst utilization in PEMFC studied via stochastic reconstruction method[J]. Energy and AI, 2023, 13: 100245.
34. Zhao, CF; Yuan, S; Cheng, XJ; An, L; Li, JZ; Shen, SY; Yin, JW; Yan, XH; Zhang, JL, Effect of perfluorosulfonic acid ionomer in anode catalyst layer on proton exchange membrane water electrolyzer performance[J]. Journal of Power Sources, 2023, 580: 233413.
35. Yuan,S; Zhao,CF; Cai, XY; An, L; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Zhang,JL, Bubble evolution and transport in PEM water electrolysis: Mechanism, impact, and management,[J]Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 96,101,075
36. Luo, LX; Fu, CH; Guo, YG; Cai, XY; Luo, XS; Tan, ZH; Xue, R; Cheng, XJ; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Ultrafine Core@Shell Cu1Au1@Cu1Pd3 Nanodots Synergized with 3D Porous N-Doped Graphene Nanosheets as a High-Performance Multifunctional Electrocatalyst,[J]ACS nano, 2023, 17(3): 2992-3006.
37. Cheng, XJ; Wei, GH; Luo, LX; Yin, JW; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Application of solid catalysts with ionic liquid layer (SCILL) in PEMFCs: from half-cell to full-cell,[J]Electrochemical Energy Reviews, 2023, 6(1): 1-38.
38. Li, HY; You, JB; Cheng, XJ; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL; Zhang, JL, New insight into the effect of Co2+ contamination on local oxygen transport in PEMFCs,[J]Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 453, 139945
39. Luo, LX; Tan, ZH; Fu, CH; Xue, R; Cheng, XJ; Bi, TZ; Zhao, LT; Guo, YG; Cai, XY; Yin, JW; Shen,SY; Zhang JL, Shape-controlled synthesis of Pd nanotetrahedrons with Pt-doped surfaces for highly efficient electrocatalytic oxygen reduction and formic acid oxidation,[J]Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 451, 138786
40. You, JB; Cheng, XJ; Li, HY; Yin, JW; Yan, XH; Wei, GH; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Innovative Insight into O2/N2 Permeation Behavior through an Ionomer Film in Cathode Catalyst Layers of Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells,[J]The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2022, 13, 11444-11453
41. Chen, SQ; Xiang, SL; Tan, ZH; Li, HY; Yan, XH; Yin, JW; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Exploration of the oxygen transport behavior in non-precious metal catalyst-based cathode catalyst layer for proton exchange membrane fuel cells,[J]Frontiers in Energy, 2022, 1-11
42. Shen, SY; Zhao, LT; Zhang, JL, Promising approach for preparing metallic single-atom catalysts: electrochemical deposition,[J]Frontiers in Energy, 2022, 16, 4, 537-541
43. Liu, SQ; Yuan, S; Liang, YW; Li, HY; Xu, ZL; Xu, Q; Yin, JW; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Zhang, JL, Engineering the catalyst layers towards enhanced local oxygen transport of Low-Pt proton exchange membrane fuel cells: Materials, designs, and methods,[J]International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, online
44. Zhao, LT; Fu, CH; Luo, LX; You, JB; An, L; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Electrochemical synthesis of monodispersed and highly alloyed PtCo nanoparticles with a remarkable durability towards oxygen reduction reaction,[J]Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 318, 121831
45. Li, HY; Cheng, XJ; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, A perspective on influences of cathode material degradation on oxygen transport resistance in low Pt PEMFC,[J]Nano Research, 2022, 1-14
46. Cheng, XJ; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Wang, C; Luo, LX; Zhang, JL, Perspectives on Challenges and Achievements in Local Oxygen Transport of Low Pt Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells,[J]Advanced Materials Technologies, 2022, 2200228
47. Hu, CY; Wei, GH; Zhu, FJ; Wu, AM; Luo, LX; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Platinum-Based Nanocomposite Pt@ BSA as an Efficient Electrochemical Biosensing Interface for Rapid and Ultrasensitive Determination of Folate Receptor-Positive Tumor Cells,[J]ACS Applied Bio Materials, 2022, 5(6): 3038-3048
48. Yan, XH; Xu, ZL; Yuan, S; Han, AD; Shen, YT; Cheng, XJ; Liang, YW; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Structural and transport properties of ultrathin perfluorosulfonic acid ionomer film in proton exchange membrane fuel cell catalyst layer: A review,[J]Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 536231523
49. An, L; Yang, F; Fu, CH; Cai, XY; Shen, SY; Xia, GF; Li, J; Du, YZ; Luo, LX; Zhang, JL, A Functionally Stable RuMn Electrocatalyst for Oxygen Evolution Reaction in Acid,[J]Advanced Functional Materials, 2022, 2200131
50. Luo, LX; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Electrochemical CO2 separation by a shorted membrane,[J]Joule, 2022, 6, 713–725
51. Zhang, JL; Cheng, M; Luo, XS; Li, HY; Luo, LX; Cheng, XJ; Yan, XH; Shen, SY, 车用燃料电池电堆关键技术研究现状,[J]汽车安全与节能学报, 2022, 13, 1, 1
52. Shen, SY; Li, L; Fu, CH; Wei, GH; Cheng, XJ; Yin, JW; Yan, XH; Wu, G; Zhang, JL, A Facile Strategy to Boost the Active Sites of Fe-NC Electrocatalyst for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction,[J]Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 2022, 169(3), 034506
53. Shen, SY; Ren, ZW; Xiang, SL; Chen, SQ; Tan, ZH; Li, H; Zhang, JL, The Development of a Highly Durable Fe-N-C Electrocatalyst With Favorable Carbon Nanotube Structures for the Oxygen Reduction in PEMFCs,[J]Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 2022, 19(1), 010905
54. Cai, XY; Yang, F; An, L; Fu, CH; Luo, LX; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Evaluation of Electrocatalytic Activity of Noble Metal Catalysts Toward Nitrogen Reduction Reaction in Aqueous Solutions under Ambient Conditions,[J]ChemSusChem, 2022, 15(1), e202102234
55. Zhao, JJ; Fu, CH; Ye, K; Liang, Z; Jiang, FL; Shen, SY; Zhao, XR; Ma, L; Shadike, Z; Wang, XM; Zhang, JL; Jiang, K, Manipulating the oxygen reduction reaction pathway on Pt-coordinated motifs,[J]Nature communications, 2022, 13(1), 1-10
56. Ma, C; Zou, XY; Li, A; Gao, Z; Luo, LX; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL; Huang, Z; Zhu, L, Rapid flame synthesis of carbon doped defective ZnO for electrocatalytic CO2 reduction to syngas,[J]Electrochimica Acta, 2022, 411, 140098
57. Zheng, ZF; Luo, LX; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, Insight into the potential strategies for mitigating Pt degradation in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs): From the perspective of Pt ion transport,[J]Journal of Power Sources, 2022, 522, 230999
58. Cheng, XJ; You, JB; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Yan, XH; Wang, C; Zhang, JL, An ingenious design of nanoporous Nafion film for enhancing the local oxygen transport in cathode catalyst layers of PEMFCs,[J]Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 439, 135387
59. Luo, LX; Fu, CH; Wu, AM; Zhuang, ZC; Zhu, FJ; Jiang, FL; Shen, SY; Cai, XY; Kang, Q; Zheng, ZF; Hu, CY; Yin, JW; Xia, GF; Zhang, JL, Hydrogen-assisted scalable preparation of ultrathin Pt shells onto surfactant-free and uniform Pd nanoparticles for highly efficient oxygen reduction reaction in practical fuel cells,[J]Nano Research, 2022, 15(3), 1892-1900
60. Fan, YH; Wu, AM; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Three-dimensional, porous, highly active α‐MnO2/prGO hybrid nanocomposites as cathode of non-aqueous Li-O2 batteries,[J]International Journal of Energy Research, 2022, 46(3), 2737-2747
61. Shen, YT; Yan, XH; An, L; Shen, SY; An, L; Zhang, JL, Portable proton exchange membrane fuel cell using polyoxometalates as multi-functional hydrogen carrier,[J]Applied Energy, 2022, 313, 118781
62. Ren ZW; Tan, ZH; Xiang, SL; Chen, SQ; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, 基于 MOFs 材料的非贵金属氧还原电催化剂研究进展, 中国科学: 技术科学, 2022
63. Luo, LX; Fu, CH; Guo, YG; Kang, Q; Wu, AM; Cai, XY; Zhao, LT; Tan, ZH; Yin, JW; Xia, GF; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Electronic and Potential Synergistic Effects of Surface-Doped P–O Species on Uniform Pd Nanospheres: Breaking the Linear Scaling Relationship toward Electrochemical Oxygen Reduction,[J]ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 12, 14146–14156
64. Fu, CH; Shen, SY; Wu, RF; Yan, XH; Xia, GF; Zhang, JL, Facile controlled synthesis of hierarchically structured mesoporous Li4Ti5O12/C/rGO composites as high-performance anode of lithium-ion batteries,[J]Frontiers in Energy, 2022, 16(4): 607-612
65. Li, PA; Qiu, DK; Peng, LF; Shen, SY; Lai, XM, Analysis of degradation mechanism in unitized regenerative fuel cell under the cyclic operation,[J]Energy Conversion and Management, 2022, 254, 115210
66. Shen, SY; Chen, JR; Yan, XH; Cheng, XJ; Zhao, LT; Ren, ZW; Li, L; Zhang, JL, Insights into properties of non-precious metal catalyst (NPMC)-based catalyst layer for proton exchange membrane fuel cells,[J]Journal of Power Sources, 2021, 496, 229817
67. Cheng, XJ; Wei, GH; Wang, C; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Experimental probing of effects of carbon support on bulk and local oxygen transport resistance in ultra-low Pt PEMFCs,[J]International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2021, 164, 120549
68. An, L; Cai, XY; Shen, SY; Yin, JW; Jiang, K; Zhang, JL, Dealloyed RuNiO x as a robust electrocatalyst for the oxygen evolution reaction in acidic media,[J]Dalton Transactions, 2021, 50(15), 5124-5127
69. Fu, CH; Luo, LX; Yang, LJ; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, Breaking the scaling relationship of ORR on carbon-based single-atom catalysts through building a local collaborative structure,[J]Catalysis Science & Technology, 2021, 11(23), 7764-7772
70. Chen, XJ; Shen, SY; Wang, C; Yan, XH; Zhang, JL, Analysis and outlook of mass transport in ultralow Pt loading proton exchange membrane fuel cells,[J]科学通报, 2021, 66(33), 4240-4255
71. Li, L; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, Electrocatalytic activity of hemin-derived hollow non-precious metal catalyst for oxygen reduction reaction,[J]Acta Phys.-Chim. Sin, 2021, 37, 1911011
72. Guo, YG; Li, B; Shen, SY; Luo, LX; Wang, GF; Zhang, JL, Potential-dependent mechanistic study of ethanol electro-oxidation on palladium,[J]ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2021, 13(14), 16602-16610
73. Peng, YM; Yan, XH; Lin, C; Shen, SY; Yin, JW; Zhang, JL, Effects of flow field on thermal management in proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks: A numerical study,[J]International Journal of Energy Research, 2021, 45(5), 7617-7630
74. Fu, CH; Luo, LX; Yang, LJ; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Yin, JW; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, An In-Depth Theoretical Exploration of Influences of Non-Metal-Elements Doping on the ORR Performance of Co-gN4,[J]ChemCatChem, 2021, 13(9), 2303-2310
75. Hu, CY; Wu, AM; Zhu, FJ; Luo, LX; Yang, F; Xia, GF; Wei, GH; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Lithium-ion modified cellulose as a water-soluble binder for Li-O2 battery,[J]Frontiers in Energy, 2021, 16(3): 502-508
76. Guo, YG; Wang, GF; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, On scaling relations of single atom catalysts for electrochemical ammonia synthesis,[J]Applied Surface Science, 2021, 550, 149283
77. Cai, XY; Iriawan, H; Yang, F; Luo, LX; Shen, SY; Shao-Horn, Y; Zhang, JL, Interaction of ammonia with nafion and electrolyte in electrocatalytic nitrogen reduction study,[J]The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2021, 12(29), 6861-6866
78. Fu, CH; Luo, LX; Yang, LJ; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Yin, JW; Zhang, JL, Theoretical Exploration of the Thermodynamic Process Competition between NRR and HER on Transition-Metal-Doped CoP (101) Facets,[J]The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125(31), 17051-17057
79. Cai, XY; Fu, CH; Iriawan, H; Yang, F; Wu, AM; Luo, LX; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Shao-Horn, Y; Zhang, JL, Lithium-mediated electrochemical nitrogen reduction: Mechanistic insights to enhance performance,[J] Iscience, 2021, 24(10), 103105
80. Guo, YG; Cai, XY; Shen, SY; Wang, GF; Zhang, JL, Computational prediction and experimental evaluation of nitrate reduction to ammonia on rhodium,[J]Journal of Catalysis, 2021, 402, 1-9
81. Zhao, LT; Guo, YG; Fu, CH; Luo, LX; Wei, GH; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Electrodeposited PtNi nanoparticles towards oxygen reduction reaction: A study on nucleation and growth mechanism,[J]Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2021, 42(11), 2068-2077
82. You, JB; Zheng, ZF; Luo, LX; Cheng, XJ; Fu, CH; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Wang, C; Zhang, JL, Microstructures and Proton Networks of Ionomer Film on the Surface of Platinum Single Atom Catalyst in Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cells,[J]The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2021, 125(43), 24240-24248
83. Zhao, LT; Cheng, XJ; Luo, LX; Zheng, ZF; Shen, SY; Zhang, J, 低铂质子交换膜燃料电池氧还原催化剂的研究进展与展望, 科学通报, 2021
84. Yan, XH; Peng, YM; Shen, YT; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Yin, JW; Zhang, JL, The use of phase-change cooling strategy in proton exchange membrane fuel cells: A numerical study,[J]Science China Technological Sciences, 2021, 64(12), 2762-2770
85. X Yan, X Li, C Fu, C Lin, H Hu, S Shen, G Wei, J Zhang, Large specific surface area S-doped Fe–N–C electrocatalysts derived from Metal–Organic frameworks for oxygen reduction reaction,[J]Progress in Natural Science: Materials International, 2020, 30(6), 896-904
86. Fu, CH; Yan, XH; Yang, LJ; Shen, SY; Luo, LX; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, First-principles study of catalytic activity of W-doped cobalt phosphide toward the hydrogen evolution reaction,[J]Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2020, 41, 11, 1698-1705
87. Han, AD; Fu, CH; Yan, XH; Chen, JR; Cheng, XJ; Ke, CC; Hou, JB; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Effect of cobalt ion contamination on proton conduction of ultrathin Nafion film,[J]International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45, 46, 25276-25285
88. Zheng, ZF; Yang, F; Lin, C; Zhu, FJ; Shen, SY ; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, Voltage Cycling-Induced Pt Degradation in Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells: Effect of Cycle Profiles,[J]Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 31, 35088-35097
89. Luo, XS; Guo, YG; Zhou, HR; Ren, H; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, Thermal annealing synthesis of double-shell truncated octahedral Pt-Ni alloys for oxygen reduction reaction of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells,[J]Frontiers in Energy, 2020, 14(4), 767-777
90. Li, L; Fu, CH; Shen, SY; Jiang, FL; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, Influence of Fe on electrocatalytic activity of iron-nitrogen-doped carbon materials toward oxygen reduction reaction,[J]Frontiers in Energy, 2020, 16, 812–821
91. Zhu, FJ; Luo, LX ; Wu, AM ; Wang, C; Cheng, XJ ; Shen, SY ; Ke, CC; Yang, H; Zhang, JL, Improving the High-Current-Density Performance of PEMFC through Much Enhanced Utilization of Platinum Electrocatalysts on Carbon,[J]Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12, 23, 26076-26083
92. Luo, LX; Fu, CH; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Yang, F; Guo, YG; Zhu, FJ; Yang, LJ; Zhang, JL, Promoting Effects of Au Submonolayer Shells on Structure-Designed Cu–Pd/Ir Nanospheres: Greatly Enhanced Activity and Durability for Alkaline Ethanol Electro-Oxidation,[J]ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2020, 12(23), 25961-25971
93. Wang, H; Lin, C; Yan, XH; Wu, AM; Shen, SY ; Wei, GH ; Zhang, JL, Mechanical property-reinforced PEO/PVDF/LiClO4/SN blend all solid polymer electrolyte for lithium ion batteries,[J]Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, 2020, 869, 114156
94. Zheng, ZF; Yang, F; Lin, C; Zhu, FJ; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, Design of gradient cathode catalyst layer (CCL) structure for mitigating Pt degradation in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) using mathematical method,[J]Journal of Power Sources, 2020, 451, 227729
95. Li, L ; Shen, SY; Li, XL; Luo, LX ; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, A derivative of mesoporous oxygen reduction reaction electrocatalysts from citric acid and dicyandiamide,[J]International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2020, 45, 11, 6563-6572
96. Luo, LX; Fu, CH; Shen, SY; Zhu, FJ; Zhang, JL, Probing structure-designed Cu–Pd nanospheres and their Pt-monolayer-shell derivatives as high-performance electrocatalysts for alkaline and acidic oxygen reduction reactions,[J]Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2020, 8(42), 22389-22400
97. Yan, XH; Li, HZ; Lin, C; Chen, JR; Han, AD; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, An inorganic-framework proton exchange membrane for direct methanol fuel cells with increased energy density,[J]Sustainable Energy & Fuels, 2020, 4, 2, 772-778
98. Luo, LX; Fu, CH; Yang, F; Li, XL; Jiang, FL; Guo, YG; Zhu, FJ; Yang, LJ; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Composition-graded Cu–Pd nanospheres with Ir-doped surfaces on N-doped porous graphene for highly efficient ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline media,[J]ACS Catalysis, 2019, 10(2), 1171-1184
99. Shen, SY; Zhang, Y; Wei, GH; Zhang, WS; Yan, XH; Xia, GF; Wu, AM; Ke, CC; Zhang, JL, Li2FeSiO4/C hollow nanospheres as cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries,[J]Nano Research, 2019, 12 , 2 , 357-363
100. Shen, SY; Wu, AM; Xia, GF; Wei, GH; Yan, XH; Zhang, Y; Zhu, FJ; Yin, JW; Zhang, JL, Facile preparation of unique three-dimensional (3D) α-MnO 2/MWCNTs macroporous hybrid as the high-performance cathode of rechargeable Li-O 2 batteries,[J]Nano Research, 2019, 12, 69-75
101. Chen, JR; Yan, XH; Fu, CH; Feng, Y; Lin, C; Li, XL; Shen, SY; Ke, CC; Zhang, JL, Insight into the Rapid Degradation Behavior of Nonprecious Metal Fe-N-C Electrocatalyst-Based Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cells,[J]Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 41, 37779-37786
102. Li, L; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Li, XL; Yang, K; Feng, Q; Zhang, JL, A Comprehensive Investigation on Pyrolyzed Fe-N-C Composites as Highly Efficient Electrocatalyst toward the Oxygen Reduction Reaction of PEMFCs,[J]ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2019, 11, 14126
103. Lin, C; Yan XH; Wei, GH; Ke, CC; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Optimization of configurations and cathode operating parameters on liquid-cooled proton exchange membrane fuel cell stacks by orthogonal method,[J]Applied Energy, 2019, 253, 113496
104. Zheng, ZF; Luo, LX; Zhu, FJ; Cheng, XJ; Yang, Y; Shen, SY; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, Degradation of core-shell Pt3Co catalysts in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs) studied by mathematical modeling,[J]Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 323, 134751
105. Wu, AM; Wei, GH; Yang, F; Xia, GF, Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Zhu, FJ; Ke, CC; Zhang, JL, Nitrogen and iodine dual-doped 3D porous graphene as a bi-functional cathode catalyst for Li-O2 batteries,[J]Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 318, 354-361
106. Anwar, MT; Yan, XH; Asghar, MR; Husnain, N; Shen, SY; Luo, LX; Cheng, XJ; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, MoS2-rGO hybrid architecture as durable support for cathode catalyst in proton exchange membrane fuel cells,[J]Chinese Journal of Catalysis, 2019, 40, 8, 1160-1167
107. Yan, XH; Guan, C; Zhang, Y; Jiang, KC; Wei, GH; Cheng, XJ; Shen, SY; Zhang, JL, Flow field design with 3D geometry for proton exchange membrane fuel cells,[J]Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 147, 1107
108. Anwar, MT; Yan, XH; Asghar, MR; Husnain, N; Shen, SY; Luo, LX; Zhang, JL, Recent advances in hybrid support material for Pt-based electrocatalysts of proton exchange membrane fuel cells,[J]International Journal Of Energy Research, 2019, 43, 7, 2694-2721
109. Shen, SY; Han, AD; Yan, XH; Chen, JR; Cheng, XJ; Zhang, JL, Influence of Equivalent Weight of Ionomer on Proton Conduction Behavior in Fuel Cell Catalyst Layers,[J]Journal Of The Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166 , 12 , R724-R728
110. Wang, C; Cheng, X; Yan, X; Shen, S; Ke, C; Wei, G; Zhang, J, Respective Influence of Ionomer Content on Local and Bulk Oxygen Transport Resistance in the Catalyst Layer of PEMFCs with Low Pt Loading,[J]Journal Of The Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166(4), F239-F245
111. Cheng, XJ; Wang, C; Wei, GH; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Ke, CC; Zhu, FJ; Zhang, JL, Insight into the Effect of Pore-forming on Oxygen Transport Behavior in Ultra-Low Pt PEMFCs,[J]Journal Of The Electrochemical Society, 2019, 166(14), F1055-F1061
112. Tian, RX; Shen, SY; Zhu, FJ; Luo, LX; Yan, XH; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, Icosahedral PtNi Alloy Nanocrystalline Electrocatalyst: from the Growth Mechanism to its Oxygen Reduction Activity,[J]Chemsuschem, 2018, 11, 6, 1015-1019
113. Luo Liuxuan; Wei Guanghua; Shen Shuiyun; Zhu Fengjuan; Ke Changchun; Yan Xiaohui; Zhang Junliang, Facile Synthesis of Pt-Cu Alloy Nanodendrites as High-Performance Electrocatalysts for Oxygen Reduction Reaction,[J]Journal of Electrochemistry, 2018, 24, 6, 733-739
114. Zhang, Y; Zhang, WS; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Wu, AM; Yin, JW; Zhang, JL, Hollow porous bowl-shaped lithium-rich cathode materials for lithium-ion batteries with exceptional rate capability and stability,[J]Journal Of Power Sources, 2018, 380, 164-173
115. Asghar, MR; Zhang, Y; Wu, AM; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Ke, CC; Zhang, JL, Preparation of microporous Cellulose/PVDF-HFP membrane for lithium ion batteries by phase inversion method,[J]Journal Of Power Sources, 2018, 379, 197-205
116. Wu, AM; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Xia, GF; Zhang,Y; Zhu, FJ; Zhang, JL, CxNy particles@ N-doped porous graphene: a novel cathode catalyst with a remarkable cyclability for Li-O2 batteries,[J]Nanoscale, 2018, 10, 12763-12770
117. Shen, SY; Guo, YG; Wei, GH; Luo, LX; Li, F; Li, L; Xia, GF; Zhang, JL, An exploration of Au submonolayer decorated Pd7Ir nanoparticles as highly active electrocatalyst for ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media,[J]Catalysis Science & Technology, 2018, 8, 14, 3465-3468
118. Shen, SY; Guo, YG; Luo, LX; Li, F; Li, L; Wei, GH; Yin, JW; Ke, CC; Zhang, JL, Comprehensive analysis on the highly active and stable PdAu/C electrocatalyst for ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media,[J]Journal Of Physical Chemistry C, 2018, 122, 3, 1604-1611
119. Shen, SY; Li, F; Zhao, LT; Fu, CH; Wei, GH; Yang, LJ; Zhang, JL, Communication-An Organic Solvent System-Assisted Electrodeposition of Highly Active Pt for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction,[J]Journal Of The Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165, 15, 13392-13394
120. Shen, SY; Li, F; Luo, LX; Guo, YG; Yan, XH; Ke, CC; Zhang, JL, DMF-Coordination Assisted Electrodeposition of Highly Active PtCo Alloy Catalysts for the Oxygen Reduction Reaction,[J]Journal Of The Electrochemical Society, 2018, 165, 2, D43-D49
121. Shen, SY; Guo, YG; Wei, GH; Luo, LX; Li, F; Zhang, JL, A perspective on the promoting effect of Ir and Au on Pd toward the ethanol oxidation reaction in alkaline media,[J]Frontiers In Energy, 2018, 12, 4, 501-508
122. Luo, LX; Zhu, FJ; Tian RX; Li, L; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Zhang, JL, Composition-graded PdxNi1-x nanospheres with Pt monolayer shells as high-performance electrocatalysts for oxygen reduction reaction,[J]ACS Catalysis,2017, 7, 5420-5430
123. Li, WK; Zhang, QL; Wang, C; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Xia, GF; Zhu, FJ; Zhang, JL, Experimental and numerical analysis of a three-dimensional flow field for PEMFCs,[J]Applied Energy, 2017, 195 , 278-288
124. Wang, C; Cheng, XJ; Lu, JB; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Yin, JW; Wei, GH; Zhang, JL, The experimental measurement of local and bulk oxygen transport resistances in the catalyst layer of proton exchange membrane fuel cells,[J]The Journal Of Physical Chemistry Letters, 2017, 8(23), 5848–5852
125. Zhang, Y; Zhang, WS; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Wu, AM ; Wu, RF; Zhang, JL, An ingenious design of lamellar Li1.2Mn0.54Ni0.13Co0.13O2 hollow nanosphere cathode for advanced lithium-ion batteries,[J]Electrochimica Acta, 2017, 256, 316-324
126. Anwar, MT; Yan, XH; Shen, SY; Husnain, N; Zhu, FJ; Luo, LX; Zhang, JL, Enhanced durability of Pt electrocatalyst with tantalum doped titania as catalyst support,[J]International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(52) , 30750-30759
127. Wang, C;Lu, JB; Zhang, QL; Shen SY; Yan XH; Zhu, FJ; Cheng XJ; Zhang, JL, Effect of height/width-tapered flow fields on the cell performance of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cells,[J]International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy, 2017, 42(36), 23107-23117
128. Wang, C;Zhang, QL; Shen SY; Yan XH; Zhu, FJ; Cheng XJ; Zhang, JL, The respective effect of under-rib convection and pressure drop of flow fields on the performance of PEM fuel cells,[J]Scientific Reports, 2017, 7, 43447
129. Shen, SY; Cheng, XJ; Wang, C; Yan, XH; Ke, CC; Yin, JW; Zhang, JL, Exploration of significant influences of the operating conditions on the local O2 transport in proton exchange membrane fuel cells (PEMFCs),[J]Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2017, 19(38), 26221-26229
130. Zhang, Y; Zhang, WS; Shen, SY; Yan, XH; Wu, RF; Wu, AM; Lastoskie, C; Zhang, JL, Sacrificial template strategy toward hollow LiNi1/3Co1/3Mn1/3O2 nanospheres cathode for advanced lithium-ion batteries,[J]ACS OMEGA, 2017, 2(11): 7593-7599
131. Wu, AM; Xia, GF; Shen, SY; Yin, JW; Mao, Y; Bai, QY; Xie, JY; Zhang, JL, Recent progress in non-aqueous lithium-air batteries,[J]Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2016, 32, 8, 1866-1879
132. Wu, RF; Shen, SY; Xia, GF; Zhu, FJ; Lastoskie, C; Zhang, JL, Soft-templated self-assembly of mesoporous anatase TiO2/Carbon composite nanospheres for high-performance lithium ion batteries,[J]ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2016, 8, 31, 19968-19978
133. Luo, LX; Shen, SY; Zhu, FJ; Zhang, JL, Formic acid oxidation by pd monolayers on Pt3Ni nanocubes,[J]Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2016, 32, 337-342
134. Meng, YQ; Wang, C; Zhang, QL; Shen, SY; Zhu, FJ; Yang, H; Zhang, JL, The effects of cathode platinum loading and operating backpressure on PEMFC performance,[J]Acta Physico-Chimica Sinica, 2016, 32, 6, 1460-1466
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137. Wu, RF; Xia, GF; Shen, SY; Zhu, FJ; Jiang, FJ; Zhang, JL, In-situ growth of LiFePO4 nanocrystals on interconnected carbon nanotubes/mesoporous carbon nanosheets for high-performance lithium ion batteries,[J]Electrochimica Acta, 2015, 153 , 334-342
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6. 上海交通大学三八红旗手(2023)
7. 上海交通大学本科课程思政示范课程培育项目(2023,《电化学能源储存与转换原理》)
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