本科,车辆工程, 清华大学,北京,中国,2010.07
副教授,博导,机械与动力工程学院,上海交通大学,上海,中国,2022.07 - 现在
助理教授,博导,机械工程系,阿拉斯加大学费尔班克斯分校, 费尔班克斯, 美国,2020.06 - 2022.06
博士后,机械工程系,德州大学奥斯汀分校, 奥斯汀, 美国,2018.08 - 2020.06
博士后,系统设计工程系,滑铁卢大学, 滑铁卢, 加拿大,2017.07 - 2018.07
研究领域主要围绕“智能网联汽车自动驾驶“ &“人机交互与人机共驾”。面向对象主要围绕地面智能载运和无人系统,包括智能网联汽车、智能座舱以及无人车辆。具体开展以下研究:
1. 自动驾驶:
(1)环境感知, 激光雷达/相机融合感知, BEV, 协同感知;
2. 人机交互与人机共驾:
长年招收博士后与硕士研究生,欢迎优秀学子联系保研/报考进组 (25年无博士名额)。本课题组优势:
(1) 研究领域覆盖自动驾驶全栈算法,研究方向前沿,尖端,研究配套硬件和实力雄厚,重点涉及复杂环境下感知、决策,人机信任/人机交互,与华为、上汽、国电投等头部大型企业有深度合作;
(2) 导师学术能力较强,本科毕业于清华车辆系,有北美名校近十年科研经验,目前为国家海外优青人才,是5个IEEE汇刊(均为智能驾驶顶刊)副主编;认真负责,深度指导学生科研,尊重和支持学生个性化发展;
(3) 组内氛围积极、活泼,民主、上进,支持优秀学生出国学术访问与交流,可推荐优秀学生到国外名校深造;有本组优秀的学长学姐从零指导,并聘有外校客座知名导师和学者参与合作指导交流。
--- 中科院一区期刊:
• IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles(IF: 14)
• IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems(IF: 10.2)
• IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems(IF: 7.9)
• IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification(IF: 7.2)
--- 中科院二区期刊:
• IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology(IF: 6.1)
• Journal of Field Robotics(IF: 4.2)
• eTransportation (IF: 15, 中科院1区): Special issue on "Control, Optimization, and Management of Electric Mobility Systems Harnessing the Internet of Vehicles", 2022.
2020-2022 美国阿拉斯加大学费尔班克斯分校(UAF)
• 本科生:Dynamics of Machinery
• 本科生:Machine Design
• 本科生:Computer Aided Design (CAD)
• 本科生:Computer Aided Manufacturing (CAM)
1. 国家海外优秀青年科学基金项目, 2024-2027。
2. 上海交通大学Explore X基金(华为战略研究院人才Funding项目), 2023-2026。
3. 上海交通大学长聘教轨副教授科研启动经费,2022-2025。
4. 上海市领军人才计划,2022。
1. 主持: 美国国家航空航天局, Alaska NASA EPSCoR 项目, "DataDriven Motion Planning and Control of Planetary Exploration Rovers on Deformable Terrains", 2021.05 至 2022.06, 4 万美元。
2. 主持: 美国西北地区交通部门 PacTrans, Region 10 University Transportation Center Research Small Project 项 目, "Data-Driven Motion Control of Autonomous Vehicles in GPS Unreliable Environments",2021.05 至 2022.06,12 万美元。
3. 参与: 美国德州交通部 RTI Project 科研项目, "Defining Operational Design Domains (ODDs) for the Safe Blending of Levels 0-4 Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAVs) in the Traffic Stream", 2019.09 至 2021.08,50 万美元。
4. 参与: 加拿大 Maplesoft 公司,企业科研项目, "Model based Estimator for Autonomous Vehicle Control", 2017.05 至 2019.03,23 万加元。
5. 主持: 加拿大 McMaster University,博士生科研项目, "Automatic Driving Motion Control Algorithm based on Differential Steering Function and Experimental Verification," 2015.04 至 2015.10, 5K加元。
6. 主持: 加拿大 Mitacs 公司,Mitacs Globalink 博士生企业科研项目, "Control Algorithm Design and Simulation of Independently Driven Electric Vehicle", 2014.04 至 2014.10,5K加元。
----I. 环境感知/定位----
06. Yakang Wang, Baixuan Zhao, Siheng Chen, Daxin Tian, Chuan Hu*, Xi Zhang, “A Lightweight Two-Stage Multi-vehicle Feature Fusion Method Guided by Global Feature,” IEEE Sensors Journal, accepted, 2025.
05. Biao Yang, Yuanhui Guo, Rongrong Ni , Yi Liu, Guofa Li, Chuan Hu*, “Asymmetric multimodal guidance fusion network for realtime visible and thermal semantic segmentation,” Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, accept, 2024.
04. Yonghui Huang, Chuan Hu, Wenfeng Leng, Xi Zhang*, SS-WDA: Unsupervised Domain Adaptative 3D Detection from Clear to Fog via Noise Simulation and Self-Training, IEEE Sensors Journal (2024).
03. Baixuan Zhao, Chuan Hu, Wangwang Zhu, Shuang Hu, and Xi Zhang*. "Visual Attention Estimation Algorithm and Dynamic Neural Network Based Object Detection for Intelligent Vehicles." IEEE Sensors Journal (2024).
02. Yanhao Liu, Chuan Hu, Baixuan Zhao, Yonghui Huang, and Xi Zhang*, Region-Based Illumination-Temperature Awareness and Cross-Modality Enhancement for Multispectral Pedestrian Detection. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, 2024.
01. Qi Jiang, Chuan Hu, Baixuan Zhao, Yonghui Huang, and Xi Zhang*. "Scalable 3d object detection pipeline with center-based sequential feature aggregation for intelligent vehicles." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (2023).
----II. 人/车意图/轨迹预测----
05. Hao Jiang, Chuan Hu, Yixun Niu, Biao Yang, Member, Hao Chen, Xi Zhang*, "Hybrid Attention-based Multi-task Vehicle Motion Prediction Using Non-Autoregressive Transformer and Mixture of Experts," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (2024), In Press.
04. Chuan Hu, Ruochen Niu, Yiwei Lin, Biao Yang, Hao Chen, Baixuan Zhao, Xi Zhang, "Probabilistic Trajectory Prediction of Vulnerable Road User Using Multimodal Inputs," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Accept, 2024.
03. Hao Chen, Chongfeng Wei, Yinhua Liu, Chuan Hu, and Xi Zhang*. "Vulnerable Traffic Participant Trajectory Prediction Based on Gate Recurrent Unit-Attention and Ameliorative Social Force Model." IEEE Transactions on Transportation Electrification (2024).
02. Hao Chen, Yinhua Liu, Chuan Hu, and Xi Zhang*. "Vulnerable road user trajectory prediction for autonomous driving using a data-driven integrated approach." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2023).
01. Hao Chen, Yinhua Liu, Baixuan Zhao, Chuan Hu, and Xi Zhang*. "Vision-based real-time online vulnerable traffic participants trajectory prediction for autonomous vehicle." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (2022).
----III. 行为决策/路径规划----
02. Zhidong Wang, Chongfeng Wei, Xiaolin Tang, Wanzhong Zhao, Chuan Hu* and Xi Zhang, Adaptive Risk Tendency in Uncertainty-Aware Motion Planning Using Risk-Sensitive Reinforcement Learning, Advanced Engineering Informatics, 2024.
01. Wangwang Zhu, Xi Zhang*, Chuan Hu, Baixuan Zhao, Shiwei Peng, and Haocheng Yang. "A Comfort Quantification Method Based on Semi-Supervised Learning for Automated Vehicle at Lane Change Scenarios." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles (2022).
----IV. 运动控制/线控底盘控制----
06. Chuan Hu, Renbin Li, Pak Kin Wong, Shilu Dai, Zhengchao Xie, and Jing Zhao, ACKF-Based Finite-Time Prescribed Performance RISE Control for Asymptotic Trajectory Tracking of ASVs With Input Saturation, Accepted, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 2024.
05. Chuan Hu, Yuxin Wang, Jing Na, Ge Guo, Zhiqiang Zuo, Hong Gao and Xi Zhang*, Optimal Adaptive Cruise Control in Mixed Traffic with Communication Latence and Driver Reaction, Accepted, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024.
04. Chuan Hu, Hamid Taghavifar, Xin Liao, Jing Na, Yu Zhang, and Yechen Qin, Adaptive Synthesized Fault-Tolerant Autonomous Ground Vehicle Control with Guaranteed Performance and Saturated Input, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology,in press, 2024
03. Chuan Hu, Ziao Wang, Xiangwei Bu, Jun Zhao, Jing Na, and Hongbo Gao, "Optimal Tracking Control for Autonomous Vehicle With Prescribed Performance via Adaptive Dynamic Programming," in press, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2024.
02. Chuan Hu, Minhao Liu, Lei Wang, Hui Pang*, Optimization-Based Adaptive Trajectory Tracking Controller Design of Self-balanced Vehicle with Asymptotic Prescribed Performance, ISA Transactions, accepted, 2024.
01. Jing Zhao, Wenfeng Li, Chuan Hu*, Ge Guo, Zhengchao Xie, and Pak Kin Wong, "Robust Gain-Scheduling Path Following Control of Autonomous Vehicles Considering Stochastic Network-Induced Delay," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, accepted, 2022.
----V. 人机交互/人机共驾----
04. Chuan Hu, Yingkui Shi, Sicheng Ge, Hongyu Hu, Jing Zhao, Xi Zhang, "Trust-based Shared Control of Human-Vehicle System Using Model Free Adaptive Dynamic Programming", IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles, in press, 2024.
03. Yahui Zhang, Haohan Zhao, Chuan Hu*, Yang Tian, Ying Li, Xiaohong Jiao, Guilin Wen, “Mitigation of Motion Sickness and Optimization of Motion Comfort in Autonomous Vehicles: Systematic Survey,“ IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, accept after minor revision, 2024.
02. Chuan Hu, Siwei Huang, Yu Zhou, Sicheng Ge, Binlin Yi, Xi Zhang, Xiaodong Wu*, “Dynamic and Quantitative Trust Modeling and Real-Time Estimation in Human-Machine Co-Driving Process", Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 2024.
01. Wangwang Zhu, Xi Zhang*, Chuan Hu, Baixuan Zhao, and Yixun Niu. "Passenger Comfort Quantification for Automated Vehicle Based on Stacking of Psychophysics Mechanism and Encoder-Transformer Model." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2023.
12. Hui Pang, Minhao Liu, Chuan Hu*, Fengqi Zhang, "Adaptive Sliding Mode Attitude Control of Two-wheel Mobile Robot with an integrated learning based-RBFNN approach," Neural Computing and Application, in press, 2022.
11. Hongbo Gao, Yechen Qin, Chuan Hu*, Yuchao Liu, Keqiang Li, and Deyi Li, “An Interacting Multiple Model for Trajectory Prediction of Intelligent Vehicles in Typical Road Traffic Scenario," IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems, accepted, 2022.
10. Hamid Taghavifar, Yechen Qin, Chuan Hu*, "Adaptive Immersion and Invariance Induced Optimal Robust Control of Unmanned Surface Vessels with Structured/Unstructured Uncertainties," Ocean Engineering, in press, 2021.
09. Huijuan Hu, Chuan Hu* and Xuetao Zhang, "A Variational Approach for Estimation of Monocular Depth and Camera Motion in Autonomous Driving," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, in press, 2021.
08. Chuan Hu, Junmin Wang, “Trust-based Adaptive Cruise Control Using Control Barrier Function Approach with Prescribed Performance,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, in press, 2021. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2021.3066154
07. Chuan Hu, Yimin Chen, and Junmin Wang, “Fuzzy Observer-Based Transitional Path-Tracking Control for Autonomous Vehicles,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, in press, 2020. DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2020.2979431
06. Chuan Hu, Hongbo Gao, Jinghua Guo, Hamid Taghavifar, Chongfeng Wei, and Yechen Qin, and Jing Na, "RISE-Based Integrated Motion Control of Autonomous Ground Vehicles with Asymptotic Prescribed Performance," IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems, in press, 2019. DOI: 10.1109/TSMC.2019.2950468
05. Chuan Hu, Zhengfeng Wang, Yechen Qin, Yanjun Huang, Jinxiang Wang, and Rongrong Wang, “Lane Keeping Control of Autonomous Vehicles With Prescribed Performance Considering the Rollover Prevention and Input Saturation," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems. 2019 Jul 10;21(7):3091-103.
04. Chuan Hu, Yechen Qin, Haotian Cao, Xiaolin Song, Kai Jiang, Jagat Jyoti Rath, Chongfeng Wei, "Lane Keeping of Autonomous Vehicles based on Differential Steering with Adaptive Multivariable Super-Twisting Control," Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing. 2019 Jun 15; 125: 330-346.
03. Yechen Qin, Zhenfeng Wang, Changle Xiang, Mingming Dong, Chuan Hu*, and Rongrong Wang, "A Novel Global Sensitivity Analysis on the Observation Accuracy of the Coupled Vehicle Model," Vehicle System Dynamics. 2019 Oct 3; 57(10): 1445-1466.
02. Chongfeng Wei, Kaijiong Zhang, Chuan Hu*, Yafei Wang, Hamid Taghavifar, Xingjian Jing, “A Tunable Nonlinear Vibrational Energy Harvesting System with Scissor-like Structure”, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2019 Jun 15;125:202-14.
01. Chuan Hu, Zhenfeng Wang, Hamid Taghavifar, Jing Na, Yechen Qin*, Jinghua Guo, and Chongfeng Wei, "MME-EKF-Based Trajectory Tracking Control of Autonomous Vehicles Considering Input Saturation," IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology. 2019 Mar 27; 68(6): 5246-5259.
Mitacs Globalink 研究基金, 加拿大,2014