2008-2012香港理工大学 工业系统工程博士
2005-2007哈尔滨工业大学 机械电子工程硕士
2001-2005东北电力大学 机械电子工程学士
2019-至今 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 副教授,硕士生导师,博士生导师
2015-2018 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 讲师
2012-2015 香港理工大学 工业系统工程系 博士后研究员
机器视觉 --- 物理模型驱动立体计算成像技术
机器学习 --- 贝叶斯随机过程、深度学习等数据建模、融合、识别技术
国际生产工程科学院(CIRP) 青年会员(Research affiliate)
中国仪器仪表学会 青年工作委员会 委员
中国仪器仪表学会 测量与控制专业委员会 常务委员
"IEEE Transaction on Instrumentation and Measurement", "Measurement Science and Technology","Precision Engineering","Measurement","Sensors"等期刊审稿人
上海市科委高新技术领域项目,面向柔性定制作业的机器人三维视觉感知关键技术与核心部件研发, (19511106000),2019.9-2021.8,参与
澳门重点研发专项课题, 机器人三维视觉感知核心部件研发,2020.1-2022.12,参与
香港特别行政区研究资助局优配研究基金项目“An Encoded-light-based Autostereoscopic Metrology System for In-situ Measurement of Three Dimensional Structured Surfaces”,第二负责人
香港特别行政区研究资助局优配研究基金项目“Fiducial aided calibration and positioning system for precision manufacturing of ultra-precision freeform surfaces”,第二负责人
期刊论文: (*通讯作者)
[1] Ren M.J., Xiao G.B., Zeng W., Zhu L., Whitehouse D., Model-driven photometric stereo for in-process inspection of non-diffuse curved surfaces, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2019, 68(1). (SCI)
[2] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F., Xiao G.B., Gaussian Process Based Bayesian Inference System for Intelligent Surface Measurement, Sensors, 2018.11, 18(11):4069. (SCI)
[3] Ren M.J., Wang X., Xiao G.B., Chen M.H., and Fu Li, Fast Defect Inspection Based on Data-Driven Photometric Stereo, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement 2018 (99):1-9. (SCI)
[4] Ren M.J., Sun L.J., Liu M.Y., Cheung C.F., Yin Y.H.,"A Reconstruction registration Integrated Data Fusion Method for Measurement of Multi-scaled Complex Surfaces", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2017, 66(3), 414 – 423. (SCI)
[5] Ren M.J., Sun L.J., Kong L.B., Yin Y.H., A CAD-based Curve Network Sampling Strategy for Measurement of Freeform Surfaces on Coordinate Measuring Machine, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 2017, 66(11), 3032-3043. (SCI)
[6] Ren M.J., Sun L.J., Liu M.Y., Cheung C.F., Yin Y.H., Cao Y.L.,"A Weighted Least Square Based Data Fusion Method for Precision Measurement of Freeform Surfaces", Precision Engineering, 2017, 48, 144–151. (SCI)
[7] Ren, M.J., Cheung, C.F.* and Kong, L.B., “A Bidirectional curve network based sampling method for enhancing the performance in measuring ultra-precision freeform surfaces,” Precision Engineering, 2013, 37(2): 345-352. (SCI)
[8] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F. and Kong L.B., “Invariant feature pattern based form characterization for the measurement of ultra-precision freeform surfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 61(4), 963-973, 2012.
[9] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F. and Kong L.B., “A task specific uncertainty analysis method for least square based form characterization of ultra-precision freeform surfaces,” Measurement Science and Technology, 23(5), 054005, 2012.
[10] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F. and Kong L.B., “A robust surface fitting and reconstruction algorithm for form characterization of ultra-precision freeform surfaces,” Measurement, 44(10), 2068-2077, 2011.
[11] Ren M.J., Liu R.X., Hong H., Ren J., Xiao G., Fast object detection in light field imaging by integrating deep learning with defocusing. Applied sciences, 2017, 7, 1309-1321. (SCI)
[12] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F., Kong L.B., Quantitative Analysis of the Measurement Uncertainty in Form Characterization of Freeform Surfaces Based on Monte Carlo Simulation, Procedia CIRP, 2017, 27, 276-280. (EI)
[13] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F., Kong L.B., A Study of Fiducial Aided Precision Positioning of Ultra-precision Freeform Surfaces", KEY ENGINEERING MATERIALS, 2016, 679,167-171. (EI)
[14] Ren M.J., Liu M.Y., Cheung C.F., Multi-sensor data fusion for measurement of complex surfaces, Proceeding of SPIE, 2016, 990316. (EI)
[15] Xiao G.B., Ren M.J. *, Hong H.B., 50 million atoms scale molecular dynamics modelling on a single consumer graphics card, Advances in Engineering Software, 2018, 124, 66-72. (SCI)
[16] Xiao G.B., Ren M.J. *, To S., A study of mechanics in Brittle-ductile cutting mode transition, Micromachines, 2018, 9(2), 49. (SCI)
[17] Kong L.B., Ren M.J. *, Xu M., Development of Data Registration and Fusion Methods for Measurement of Ultra-Precision Freeform Surfaces, Sensors, 2017, 17(5), 1110. (SCI)
[18] Yin Y., Ren M.J.*, Sun L., Kong L., Gaussian process based multi-scale modelling for precision measurement of complex surfaces", CIRP ANNALS - MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 65(1):487-490. (SCI)
[19] Yin Y., Ren M.J.*, Sun L., Dependent Gaussian processes regression for intelligent sampling of freeform and structured surfaces, CIRP Annals - Manufacturing Technology, 2016, 66(1):511-514. (SCI)
[20] Sun L.J., Ren M.J.*, Yin Y.H., Domain-specific Gaussian process-based intelligent sampling for inspection planning of complex surfaces, International Journal of Production Research, 2016, 55(19), 5564-5578. (SCI)
[21] 王晰,任明俊*,肖高博,陈明汉,付琳,一种基于高斯过程的数据驱动光度立体视觉全局优化算法,中国科学:技术科学,2018,(09):969~979。
[22] 刘润兴,任明俊*,肖高博,任杰骥,一种聚焦式光场成像去混叠方法,光学学报,2018,6。
[23] 曾灿灿,任明俊*,肖高博,殷跃红,基于贝叶斯推理的多尺度双目视觉匹配,光学学报,2017,12
[24] Sun L.J., Ren M.J.*, Yin Y.H., "Gaussian process based intelligent sampling for measuring nano-structure surfaces", PROCEEDING OF SPIE, 96840L,2017. (EI)
[25] Zhang Z., Ren M.J.*, Liu M., "A Modified Sequential Multilateration Scheme and its Application in Geometric Error Measurement of Rotary Axis", CIRP PROCEDIA, 27, 313-317, 2016. (EI)
[26] Cheung, C.F., Ren, M.J.*, “On-Machine Measurement and Characterization of V-Groove Structure Pattern on Precision Rollers”, Key Engineering Materials, 2013, 552, 567-574. (EI)
[27] Wang S.X., Cheung C.F., Ren M.J., Liu M.Y., Fiducial-aided on-machine positioning method for precision manufacturing of optical freeform surfaces, OPTICS EXPRESS, 2018, 26(15), 18928-18943. (SCI)
[28] Wang S.X., Cheung C.F., Ren M.J., Liu M.Y., Fiducial-aided robust positioning of optical freeform surfaces, MICROMACHINES, 2018, 9:52. (SCI)
[29] Sun L.J., Ren M.J., Hong H.B., Yin Y.H., Thermal error reduction based on thermodynamics structure optimization method for an ultra-precision machine tool, THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVANCED MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 2017, 88(5-8): 1267-1277. (SCI)
[30] Ho L.T., Cheung C.F., Kong L.B., Ren M.J., Theoretical and experimental investigation of three-dimensional-structured surface generation using fluid jet polishing, PROCEEDINGS OF IMECHE PART B: JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MANUFACTURE, 2017, 231(13), 2317-2335. (SCI)
[31] Cao Z.C., Cheung C.F., Ren M.J., Modelling and characterization of surface generation in Fluid Jet Polishing, PRECISION ENGINEERING, 2016, 43, 406-417. (SCI)
[32] Zhu W.L., Zhu Z.W., Ren M.J., Ehmann K.F., Ju B.F., Modeling and analysis of uncertainty in on-machine form characterization of diamond-machined optical micro structured surfaces",MEASUREMENT SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 2016, 27, 125017. (SCI)
[33] Li D., Cheung, C.F., Ren M.J., Disparity pattern-based autostereoscopic 3D metrology system for in situ measurement of microstructured surfaces”, OPTICAL LETTER, 2015, 40: 5271-5274. (SCI)
[34] Liu M., Cheung, C.F., Ren M.J., “Estimation of measurement uncertainty caused by surface gradient for a white light interferometer”, 2015, Applied optics, 2015, 54: 8670-8677. (SCI)
[35] Li D., Cheung, C.F., Ren M.J., “Autostereoscopy-based three-dimensional on-machine measuring system for micro-structured surfaces”, Optical Express, 2014, 22, 25635-25650. (SCI).
[36] Cheung, C.F., Ren, M.J., Kong, L.B. and Whitehouse, D.J., “Modeling and analysis of uncertainty in the form characterization of ultra-precision freeform surfaces on coordinate measuring machines,” Annual of CIRP, 2014, 63, 481-484, 2014. (SCI)
[37] Cheung C.F., Kong L.B. and Ren M.J., Whitehouse, D.J. and To, S., “Generalized form characterization of ultra- precision freeform surfaces,” Annual of CIRP, 61(1),527-530, 2012.
[38] Cheung C.F., Kong L.B. and Ren M.J., “Measurement and characterization of ultra-precision freeform surfaces using an intrinsic surface features based method,” Measurement Science and Technology, 21, 115109, 2010.
[39] Cheung C.F., Ren M.J., et al., “On-Machine Measurement and Characterization of V-Groove Structure Pattern on Precision Rollers”, Key Engineering Materials, 552, 567-574, 2012.
[9] Du J.J., Ren M.J., Zhu J., Liu D., “Study on the dynamics and motion capability of the planetary rover with
asymmetric mobility system”, IEEE International Conference on Information and Automation, ICIA 2010, 682-687,
[8] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F. and Kong L.B., Li D., Liu M., “A study of an intrinsic feature pattern based geometric
error characterization method for multi-scaled optical complex surfaces”, The 16th Conference of China
instrument and Control Society, October 10st-12ed, Beijing, China, 2014.
[7] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F. and Kong L.B., “Uncertainty evaluation in the form characterization of freeform surfaces
using Monte Carlo simulation”, The 13th CIRP Conference on Computer Aided Toleracing (CAT 2014), May 11st-14ed,
Hangzhou, China, 2014.
[6] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F. and Kong L.B., “Uncertainty evaluation in the form characterization of freeform surfaces
using Monte Carlo simulation”, The 5th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and
Nanotechnology, November 12st-15ed, Taipei, Taiwan, 2013.
[5] Cheung C.F., Ren M.J., Xiao G.B., et. al., “A study of modelLing and simulation of single-point diamond turning
of micro-structured Patterns on precision rollers”, The 28th Annual Meeting of the American Society for
Precision Engineering, October 20st-25ed, Minnesota, USA.
[4] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F. and Kong L.B., “A study of multi-intrinsic-surface-feature based form characterization of
micro-structured surfaces”, The 3th Asia Pacific Conference on Optics Manufacture (APCOM 2012), August 26st–
28ed, Changchun, China, 2012.
[3] Cheung C.F., Ren M.J., Kong L.B., “A study of task specific uncertainty in least square based form
characterization of ultra-precision freeform surfaces”, The 10th International Symposium of Measurement
Technology and Intelligent Instruments (ISMII 2011), June 29st – July 2ed, Daejeon, Korea, 2011.
[2] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F. and Kong L.B., “A framework of a surface feature pattern analysis method for form
characterization of ultra-precision freeform surfaces”, The 2th International Conference on Nanomanufacturing
(NanoMan 2010), Sep. 24st – 26ed, Tianjin, China, 2010.
[1] Ren M.J., Cheung C.F., Kong L.B., Lee W.B. and To S., “A study of surface reconstruction for the measurement of
ultra-precision freeform surfaces”, The 10th International Conference of European Society for Precision
Engineering & Nanotechnology (EUSPEN 2010), May 31st – June 4ed, Delft, Netherlands, vol.1, pp:254-257, 2010.
2015,The 7th International Symposium on Precision Mechanical Measurements, Xiamen,China, 大会最佳论文
2015,The 6th International Conference of Asian Society for Precision Engineering and Nanotechnology , Harbin,China, 大会最佳论文