








2005.9 - 2009.7 西安交通大学 过程装备与控制工程 学士学位
2009.8 - 2011.8 美国克莱姆森大学 机械工程 博士在读
2011.9 - 2014.5 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学 航空航天工程 博士学位


2014.5- 2014.12 美国弗吉尼亚理工大学 航空航天工程 研究工程师
2015.1- 2017.8 美国明尼苏达大学 机械工程 博士后研究员
2017.9 至今 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 副教授



1. 喷雾与燃烧节能减排优化和基础科学研究;
2. 激光与光学成像测试方法和技术研究开发;
3. 基于深度学习的计算机视觉分析技术和应用;
4. 计算机仿真和建模分析。



ASME Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power (SCI) 副主编(Associate Editor)2022.06-2025.06
International of Powertrains (EI) 助理主编(Assistant Editor)2022.03-
亚洲雾化协会ILASS Asia 2023-2024委员(officer, board member),分管信息与网络建设协调

ME116 工程学导论(2018-)
ME3602 计算机视觉基础(选修)(2021-)


上海市科委 新型高光学深度介质激光诊断重构方法的基础研究,负责人
上海市质量监督局 新能源与智能网联汽车高质量标准体系和发展路径研究, 负责人
国家自然科学基金青年项目 冷氛围下闪急沸腾喷雾撞壁过程及机理研究,负责人
国家自然科学基金面上项目 高速细微喷雾碰壁后油膜流动与破碎的动态机理研究, 第二完成人
国家自然科学基金面上项目 闪急沸腾喷雾膜泡爆裂初次破碎机理研究,负责人
企业校企合作项目 海马汽车测试项目, 负责人
企业校企合作项目 联合汽车电子产学研项目, 负责人
企业校企合作项目 xx企业IOCDC性能开发项目,负责人
企业校企合作项目 xx企业喷雾PDI测试项目,负责人
企业校企合作项目 xx企业DPM测试项目,负责人
企业校企合作项目 xx企业xx xx发动机喷油器开发项目, 负责人
企业校企合作项目 xx企业 深度学习代码开发项目, 负责人
企业校企合作项目 xx企业 以金属焊接缺陷检测为例的小样本缺陷视觉检测技术, 负责人
企业校企合作项目 xx企业 xx光学发动机性能开发, 负责人
企业校企合作项目 xx企业 气体辅助雾化喷嘴优化项目, 负责人
企业校企合作项目 xx企业 气体喷嘴测试与性能优化, 负责人


107. Cui, M., Zhang, W., Fu, J., Luo, X., Hung, D., Xu, M., Li, X.*, Impact of flash boiling spray on soot generation of a rich fuel–air mixture under various ambient pressures, Combustion and Flame 263:113388 (2024)
106. Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Qiu, S., Hung, D., Li, X.*, Xu, M., Investigation on cavitation enhancement on flash boiling atomization using two-dimensional slit nozzles, Energy 293:130720 (2024)
105. Zhao, F., Zhou, Z., Hung, D.*, Li. X., Xu, M., Flow field reconstruction from spray imaging: A hybrid physics-based and machine learning approach based on two-phase fluorescence particle image velocimetry measurements, Physics of Fluids 36(4):043316 (2024)
104. Wang, S., Yao, B., Qiu, S., Zhang, Y., Li, X., Xu, M.*, Investigation on flash boiling phase change characteristics of two-dimensional slit nozzles using backlit light attenuation with multi-component fuels, Fuel 357:129835 (2024)
103. Zhang, W., Cui, M., Yao, B., Nour, M.*, Li, X., Xu, M., Investigating the relationship between butanol molecular structure and combustion performance in an optical SIDI engine, 20: 100455 (2023)
102. Qiu, S., Yao, B., Wang, S., Zhang, W., Hung, D., Xu, M., Li, X.*, "Droplet characteristics of multi-plume flash boiling spray evaluation using SLIPI-LIEF/Mie planar imaging technique", Energy 282:128876 (2023)
101. Zhang, F., Zhang, W., Gong, S., Song, E., Lei, Q., Li, X.*, Xu, M.*, "2D-Supervised Fast Neural Fluid Reconstruction Technique for Time-resolved Volumetric Flame Reconstruction", Aerospace Science and Technology, 142: 108593 (2023)
100. Li, X., Wang, S., Yang, S., Qiu, S., Sun, Z., Hung, D., Xu, M.*, "A Review on the Recent Advances of Flash Boiling Atomization and Combustion Applications", Progress of Energy and Combustion Science, 100:101119 (2024)
99. Li, X., Gao, Y., Yao, B., Cui, M., Qiu, S., Wang, S., Xu, M.*, "Fuel Modification Flash Boiling Atomization and Combustion in Reciprocating Engines", Journal of the Energy Institute 111:101268 (2023)
98. Wang, S., Qiu, S., Zhang, Y., Cui, M., Li, X.*, Xu, M., "In-nozzle Multiphase Flow Patterns in Flash Boiling Atomization and Their Impacts on External Sprays", Experiment in Fluids 64: 48 (2023)
97. Wang, S., Cao, J., Xiao, D., Qiu, S., Xu, M., Li, X.*, "Spray Impingement Film Analysis: Characteristics Evaluation and Corresponding Simulation Method", Atomization and Sprays, In Press, 10.1615/AtomizSpr.2023045655 (2023)
96. Zhang, F., Zhang, W., Lei, Q., Li, X.*, Li, Y., Xu, M., "Voxel-free Neural Volume Reconstruction Technique for Volumetric Flame Reconstructions", Aerospace Science and Technology, 133: 108107 (2023)
95. Cao, J., Wang, S., Yang, S., Xiao, D., Li, X., Xu, M., "Post Processing Method for Simulated Lagrangian Spray Field based on Mie Scattering Theory", Atomization and Sprays 33(1): 1-16 (2023)
94. Qiu, S., Wang, S., Zhang, Y., Hung, D., Li, X.*, Xu, M., "Dense-field Spray Droplet Size Quantification of Flashing Boiling Atomization using Structured Laser Illumination Planar Imaging Technique", Fuel 335:127085 (2023)
93. Nour, M., Hung, D.* ,Li, X., Xu, M., "Spray cyclic variations of multicomponent fuels under subcooled, transitional, and superheated conditions", Fuel 327 :125139 (2022)
92. Zhang, F., Pan, H., Zhang, X., Bai, X., Liu, Z., Li, X.*, Li, Y., Xu, M., "Three-dimensional reconstruction for flame chemiluminescence field using a calibration enhanced non-negative algebraic reconstruction technique", Optics Communications 520: 128530 (2022)
91. Wang, S., Yang, S., Qiu, S., Li, X., Hung, D., Xu, M.*, "Mechanism of flash boiling bubble breakup based on rim-like structure", Fuel 329 :125345 (2022)
90. Wang, S., Xiao, D., Qiu, S., Zhang, X., Li, X.; Hung, D., Xu, M*. "The effects of nozzle taper angle on in-nozzle flow and nozzle tip-wetting under flash boiling conditions", Fuel 329 :125348 (2022)
89. Nour, M.*, Sun, Z., El-Seesy, A.*, Li, X.*, "Experimental evaluation of the performance and emissions of a direct-injection compression-ignition engine fueled with n-hexanol-diesel blends", Fuel 302: 121144 (2021)
88. Xu, Q., Sun, Z., Wang, S., Fan, Y., Li, X.*, Xu, M., "A morphological study of supercritical fuel flash-boiling spray", Fuel 310:122365 (2022)
87. Li, X., Xu, Q., Qiu, S., Wang, S., Hung, D., Xu, M.* "Investigations on the impact of phase change on single plume flash boiling radial expansion and drop size characteristics", Applied Thermal Engineering 202:117911 (2022)
86. Qiu, S., Xiao, D., Zhang, X., Wang, S., Wang, T., Li, X.*, Xu, M., "Experimental investigations of the phase change impacts on flash boiling spray propagations and impingements", Fuel 312: 122871 (2022)
85. Yao, B., Lv, J., Xiao, D., Li, X*, Jin, S., "Tip wetting film analysis using laser-induced fluorescence for multi-hole gasoline direct injectors under flash boiling conditions", Energy and Fuels 36 (1): 298-309 (2022)
84. Fan, Y., Sun, Z., Gu, Q., Xu. Q., Li, X., Xu, M.*, "Combustion Improved by Using Flash Boiling Sprays in an Ethanol-Gasoline Optical Engine under Cold Operating Conditions", Energy and Fuels 35(12) 10134-10145 (2021)
83. Sun, Z., Xu, Q., Cui, M., Nour, M., Li, X*, Hung, D., Xu, M., "Impact of flash boiling multiple injections timing on the combustion and thermal efficiency of a gasoline direct injection engine under lean-burn", Fuel 304, 121450 (2021)
82. Pan, H., Zhang, F., Li, X.*, Xu, M., "Learning implicit light propagation from multi-flame projections for computed tomography of chemiluminescence", Applied Optics 60(22), 6469-6478 (2021)
81. Pan, H., Xiao, D., Zhang, F., Li, X.*, Xu, M.*, "Adaptive weight matrix and phantom intensity learning for computed tomography of chemiluminescence", Optics Express 29 (15), 23682-23700 (2021)
80. Xiao, D., Qiu, S., Zhang, X., Zhang, Y., Li, X.*, Hung, D., Xu, M., "Dynamic Behavior and Mechanism Analysis of Tip Wetting Process under Flash Boiling Conditions", Fuel 307, 121773 (2022)
79. Ye, C., Xu, H., Sun, Z., Nour, M., Li, X.,* Xu, M., "Investigations on the Optimal Ignition Strategy of InternalCombustion Engines via Various Spark Discharge Conditions", Energy and Fuels 34 (11) 14814–14821 (2020)
78. Fan, Y., Li, K., Ye, C., Gu, Q., Li, X., Xu, M., Combustion and Emissions Improved by Using Flash Boiling Sprays and High-Energy Ignition Technologies in an Ethanol-Gasoline Optical Engine, SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0472 (2021)
77. Sun, Z., Li, X., Nour, M, Xu, M.*, Investigation of Flash Boiling Spray and Combustion in SIDI Engine under Low-Speed Homogeneous Lean Operation, SAE Technical Paper 2021-01-0467(2021)
76. Xu, Q., Yang, S., Di, X., Li, X., Xu, M. *, Tailoring the flash-boiling spray structure through the control of plume-to-plume interaction, Atomization and Sprays 31:6, 45-65(2021)
75. Nour, M.*, Amer, M, Elwardany, A., Attia, A., Li, X., Nada, S., Pyrolysis, kinetics, and structural analyses of agricultural residues in Egypt: For future assessment of their energy potential, Cleaner Engineering and Technology, 2: 100080 (2021)
74. Lin, Y., Li, X.,Twigg, M., Northrop, W.*, Non-Premixed Reactive Volatilization Reactor for Catalytic Partial Oxidation of Low Volatility Fuels at a Short Contact Time, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 6:662-671 (2021)
73. Pan, H., Xu, Q., Li, X.*, Wang, S., Xu, M., Numerical Study of Turbid Slab Optical Properties Reconstruction from Multiple Scattering Signals Using Time-Based Markov Chain Model, Applied Sciences 11(2):588 (2021)
72. Sun, Z., Cui, M., Nour, M., Li, X.*, Hung, D., Xu, M., "Differences in pool-fire induced soot production between subcooled spray and flash boiling spray in a DISI engine" Fuel 287, 119453 (2021)
71. Di, X., Qiu, S., Hung, D., Li, X.*, Nishida, K., Xu, M., "Evaporation and Condensation of Flash Boiling Sprays Impinging on a Cold Surface" , Fuel 119423 (2021)
70. Yang, S., Wang, S., Sun, Z., Li, X., Hung, D., Xu, M.*, "In-Nozzle Bubble Formation and Its Effect on Fuel Jet Breakup under Cavitating and Flash Boiling Conditions" , Applied Thermal Engineering 116120 (2020)
69. Fan, Y., Wu, T., Xiao, D., Xu, H., Li, X.*, Xu, M., "Effect of Port Water Injection on the Characteristics of Combustion and Emissions in a Spark Ignition Direct Injection Engine", Fuel 283, 119271 (2021)
68. Li, X., Sun, Z., Yang, S., Wang, H., Nour, M.*, "Flash Boiling Combustion of Isomeric Butanol and Gasoline Surrogate Blends using Constant Volume Spray Chamber and GDI Optical Engine", Fuel, 286 Part 1, 119328 (2021)
67. Ye. C., Li, X., Yu, X., Zheng, M., and Xu, M.*, "Effect of Discharge Current Boost on Ignition and Combustion under Cross Flow Conditions", Combustion and Flame 223,1-14 (2021)
66. Sun, Z., Cui, M., Nour M., Li, X.*, Hung, D, and Xu, M., "Study of Flash Boiling Combustion with Different Fuel Injection Timings in an Optical Engine Using Digital Image Processing Diagnostics", Fuel 284,119078(2021)
65. Sun, Z., Yang, S., Nour M., Li, X.*, Hung, D., and Xu, M., "Significant Impact of Flash Boiling Spray on In-Cylinder Soot Formation and Oxidation Process", Energy Fuels, 34, 8, 10030–10038 (2020)
64. S Yang, Q Zhai, X Li, D Hung, M Xu*, "Flash boiling fuel initial disturbance in a transparent step-hole nozzle and its effect on external flows", Fuel 274 117768 (2020)
63. X Li, S Yang, S Qiu, T Li, M Xu*, "Investigation on flash boiling spray fluctuations in the near-field and far-field under gasoline direct injection related conditions", Applied Thermal Engineering 179, 115665 (2020)
62. C Ye, Z Sun, M Cui, X Li, D Hung, M Xu*, "Ultra-lean Limit Extension for Gasoline Direct Injection Engine Application via Flash Boiling Atomization", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38:4, 5829-5838 (2021)
61. Z Sun, M Cui, C, Ye, S Yang, X Li, D Hung, M Xu*, "Split Injection Flash Boiling Spray for high efficiency and low emissions in a GDI Engine under Lean Combustion Condition", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38:4, 5769-5779 (2021)
60. M Nour, Z Sun, M Cui, X Li*, D Hung, M Xu, "Effect of flash boiling injection on combustion and PN emissions of DISI optical engine fueled with butanol isomers/TPRF blends", Proceedings of the Combustion Institute 38:4 5923-5931 (2021)
59. D Han, Y Fan, Z Sun, M Nour, X Li*, "Combustion and Emissions of Isomeric Butanol/Gasoline Surrogates Blends on an Optical GDI Engine", Fuel, 272, 117690 (2020)
58. X Li*, S Yang, X Di, S Wang, "Numerical Reconstruction of Turbid Slab Optical Properties using Global Optimization Algorithms", Lasers in Medical Science, https://doi.org/10.1007/s10103-020-03001-6 (2020)
57. P Yin, S Yang, X Li, M Xu*, "Numerical Simulation of In-nozzle Flow Characteristics under Flash Boiling Conditions", International Journal of Multiphase Flow 127, 103275 (2020) [IF=2.829]
56. Q Gu, M Xu*, C Ye; D Hung, X Li, "Investigation of the Impacts of Spark Plug Orientation on Combustion Stability under Lean SI Operation", WCX SAE World Congress, 2020-01-1121(2020)
55. B Yao, H Xu, S Wang, Z Yuan, X Li*, S Jin, "Effect of Spray Characteristics on the Combustion Process in an Optical Engine", WCX SAE World Congress, 2020-01-0288(2020)
54. Y Fan, T Wu, X Li, M Xu*, D Hung, "Influence of Port Water Injection on the Combustion Characteristics and Exhaust Emissions in a Spark-Ignition Direct-Injection Engine", WCX SAE World Congress, 2020-01-0294(2020)
53. P Yin, X Li, D Hung, Y Fan, M Xu*, "Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Port Water Injection Timing on Performance and Emissions in a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine", WCX SAE World Congress, 2020-01-0287(2020)
52. S Yang, Z Ma, X Li*, D Hung, M Xu, “A Review on the Experimental Non-intrusive Investigation of Fuel Injector Phase Changing Flow", Fuel, 259, 116188 (2020)
51. X Li, S Yang, T Li, D Hung, M Xu*, “Investigations on Near-field Atomization of Flash Boiling Sprays for Gasoline Direct Injection Related Applications”, Fuel, 257, 116080(2019)
50. S Yang, X Li, D Hung, M Arai, M Xu*, “In-nozzle Flash Boiling Flow of Multi-component Fuel and its Effect on Near-nozzle Spray”, Fuel, 252, 55-67(2019)
49. Q Xu, H Pan, Y Gao, X Li*, M Xu, “Investigation of Two-hole Flash-boiling Plume-to-plume Interaction and Its Impact on Spray Collapse”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 138, 608-619(2019)
48. H Pan, D Xiao, D Hung, M Xu, X Li*, “Experimental Investigations of Wall Jet Droplet Impact on Spray Impingement Fuel Film Formation”, Fuel, 241, 33-41(2019)
47. Z Sun, Z Ma, X Li, M Xu, “Study of Flash Boiling Spray Combustion in a Spark Ignition Direct Injection Optical Engine Using Digital Image Processing Diagnostics”, WCX SAE World Congress, 2019-01-0252(2019)
46. S Yang, X Li, DLS Hung, M Xu, “Effect of Injection Pressure on Nozzle Internal Flow and Jet Breakup under Sub-Cooled and Flash Boiling Test Conditions”, WCX SAE World Congress, 2019-01-0286(2019)
45. D Xiao, X Li, DLS Hung, M Xu, “Characteristics of Impinging Spray and Corresponding Fuel Film under Different Injection and Ambient Pressure”, WCX SAE World Congress, 2019-01-0277(2019)
44. S Yang, Z Ma, S Wu, X Li*, M Xu, “Dynamic Characteristics of In-nozzle Flash Boiling Bubbles and Corresponding Temporal Responses of External Spray”, Experiments in Fluids(2019)
43. Y Gao, S Wu, X Dong, X Li, M Xu*, “Evaporation and Atomization Characteristics of Dual-fuel System under Fash Boiling Conditions”, Applied Thermal Engineering, 161, 114161(2019)
42. F Zhao, M Liu, P Ge, DLS Hung*, X Li, M Xu, X Yang, C Idicheria, “Multi-plane Time-resolved Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) Flow Field Measurements In an Optical Spark-Ignition Direct-Injection (SIDI) Engine for Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) Model Validations”, Oil & Gas Science and Technology–Revue d’IFP Energies Nouvelles, 74, 52(2019)
41. X Li, T Li, M Xu*, “Effect of Ambient Temperature on Flash-boiling Spray Characteristics for a Multi-hole Gasoline Injector”, Experiments in Fluids(2019)
40. X Li, D Xiao, SE Parrish, RO Grover, D L.S Hung, M Xu*, “Dynamics of Spray Impingement Wall Film under Cold Start Conditions”, International Journal of Engine Research(2019)
39. D Xiao, I Yukihiko, X Li, D Hung, K Nishida, M Xu*, “Film Breakup of Tilted Impinging Spray under Various Pressure Conditions”, International Journal of Engine Research(2019)
38. J Cao, Z Ma, X Li, M Xu*, “Three Dimensional Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of Engine In-cylinder Velocity Fields”, Measurement Science and Technology(2019)
37. X Dong, J Yang, DLS Hung, X Li, M Xu*, “Effects of Flash Boiling Injection on In-cylinder Spray, Mixing and Combustion of a Spark-ignition Direct-injection Engine”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 37 (4), 4921-4928(2019)
36. T Li, X Dong, DLS Hung, X Li, M Xu*, “Analysis of Evaporation Characteristics and Heat Transfer for Flash-boiling Sprays”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127, 244-254(2018)
35. S Yang, X Li, DLS Hung, M Xu*, “Characteristics and Correlation of Nozzle Internal Flow and Jet Breakup under Flash Boiling Conditions”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 127, 959-969(2018)
34. S Yang, D Xiao, X Li, Z Ma*, “Markov Chain Investigation of Discretization Schemes and Computational Cost Reduction in Modeling Photon Multiple Scattering”, Applied Sciences, 8 (11), 2288(2018)
33. WF Northrop*, D Zarling, X Li, “Considerations in Using Photometer Instruments for Measuring Total Particulate Matter Mass Concentration in Diesel Engine Exhaust”, Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 140 (11), 112802(2018)
32. X Li, H Pan, X Dong, D Hung, M Xu*, “Spray Impingement Wall Film Breakup by Wave Entrainment”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute(2019)
31. J Hwang, X Li, W Northrop, “Exploration of Dual Fuel Diesel Engine Operation with On-Board Fuel Reforming”, SAE Technical Paper(2017)
30. S Kane, X Li, B Wolk, I Ekoto, WF Northrop, “Investigation of Species from Negative Valve Overlap Reforming Using a Stochastic Reactor Model”, SAE Technical Paper(2017)
29. A Ehn, J Zhu, X Li, J Kiefer*, “Advanced Laser-based Techniques for Gas-phase Diagnostics in Combustion and Aerospace Engineering”, Applied Spectroscopy, 71 (3), 341-366(2017)
28. Y Lin, WF Northrop, X Li*, “Markov Chain Solution of Photon Multiple Scattering through Turbid Slabs”, Optics Express, 24 (23), 26942-26947(2016)
27. X Li*, WF Northrop, “A Markov Chain-based Quantitative Study of Angular Distribution of Photons Through Turbid Slabs Via Isotropic Light Scattering”, Computer Physics Communications, 201, 77-84(2016)
26. L Ma, X Li, MW Kang, WG Lamont, K Venkatesan, S Wehe, “3D Flame Measurements at 5 kHz on a Jet Fueled Aviation Combustor”, ASME Turbo Expo 2015: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition(2015)
25. X Li, L Ma*, “Capabilities And Limitations of 3D Flame Measurements Based on Computed Tomography of Chemiluminescence”, Combustion and Flame, 162 (3), 642-651(2015)
24. MW Kang, X Li, L Ma*, “Three-dimensional Flame Measurements Using Fiber-based Endoscopes”, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 35 (3), 3821-3828(2015)
23. MW Kang, X Li, L Ma*, “Investigation of Fiber-based Endoscopes for Quantitative 3D Flow and Flame Imaging”, CLEO: Science and Innovations, SF2I. 1(2014)
22. F He, X Li, L Ma*, “Combined Experimental and Numerical Study of Thermal Management of Battery Module Consisting of Multiple Li-ion Cells”, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 72, 622-629(2014)
21. AJ Wickersham, X Li, L Ma*, “Comparison of Fourier, Principal Component and Wavelet Analyses for High Speed Flame Measurements”, Computer Physics Communications, 185 (4), 1237-1245 (2014)
20. X Li, L Ma*, “Volumetric Imaging of Turbulent Reactive Flows at kHz Based on Computed Tomography”, Optics Express, 22 (4), 4768-4778(2014)
19. X Li, L Ma*, “Three-dimensional Measurements of Turbulent Jet Flames at kHz Rate Based on Tomographic Chemiluminescence”, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0735 (2014)
18. F He, X Li, L Ma*, “Thermal Management of Battery Module Consisting of Multiple Li-Ion Cells for Hybrid Power Systems”, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0532 (2014)
17. W Cai, X Li, Y Cao, J Wang, L Ma *, “Practical Aspects of Three-dimensional Flame Imaging Using Tomographic Chemiluminescence”, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0394 (2014)
16. MW Kang, X Li, L Ma*, “Calibration of Fiber Bundles for Flow and Combustion Measurements”, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 0397 (2014)
15. AJ Wickersham, X Li, L Ma*, “Advanced Methods for Extracting Flow and Combustion Physics from High Speed Laser Diagnostics”, 52nd Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 1353 (2014)
14. W Cai, X Li, L Ma*, “Practical Aspects of Implementing Three-dimensional Tomography Inversion for Volumetric Flame Imaging”, Applied Optics, 52 (33), 8106-8116(2013)
13. X Li, F He, L Ma*, “Thermal Management of Cylindrical Batteries Investigated Using Wind Tunnel Testing and Computational Fluid Dynamics Simulation”, Journal of Power Sources, 238, 395-402(2013)
12. W Cai, X Li, F Li, L Ma*, “Numerical and Experimental Validation of a Three-dimensional Combustion Diagnostic Based on Tomographic Chemiluminescence”, Optics Express, 21 (6), 7050-7064(2013)
11. L Ma*, X Li, ST Sanders, AW Caswell, S Roy, DH Plemmons, JR Gord, “50-kHz-rate 2D imaging of Temperature and H2O Concentration at the Exhaust Plane of a J85 Engine Using Hyperspectral Tomography”, Optics Express 21 (1), 1152-1162(2013)
10. W Cai, X Li, A Wickersham, L Ma*, “Three-dimensional Combustion Diagnostics Based on Computed Tomography of Chemiluminescence”, 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition (2013)
9. X Li, L Ma*, “Effects of Line-narrowing of Amplified Spontaneous Emission Analyzed by a Monte Carlo Model”, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer,114, 157-166 (2013)
8. X Li, Y Zhao, L Ma*, “Method to Correct the Distortion Caused by Amplified Stimulated Emission as Motivated by LIF-based Flow Diagnostics”, Applied Optics 51 (12), 2107-2117 (2012)
7. Y Zhao, X Li, L Ma*, “Multidimensional Monte Carlo Model for Two-photon Laser-Induced Fluorescence and Amplified Spontaneous Emission”, Computer Physics Communications, 183, 1588- 1595(2012)
6. L Ma*, X Li, S Roy, AW Caswell, JR Gord, DH Plemmons, X An, “Demonstration of High Speed Imaging in Practical Propulsion Systems Using Hyperspectral Tomography”, Laser Applications to Chemical, Security and Environmental Analysis, LM1B. 5 (2012)
5. X Li, L Ma*, “Scaling Law for Photon Transmission through Optically Turbid Slabs Based on Random Walk Theory”, Applied Sciences, 2 (1), 160-165 (2012)
4. X Sun, X Li, L Ma*, “A Closed-form Method for Calculating the Angular Distribution of Multiply Scattered Photons through Isotropic Turbid Slabs”, Optics Express, 19 (24), 23932-23937 (2011)
3. X Li, L Ma*, “Minimizing Binary Functions with Simulated Annealing Algorithm with Applications to Binary Tomography”, Computer Physics Communications, 183, 1588- 1595 (2012)
2. X An*, T Kraetschmer, K Takami, ST Sanders, L Ma, W Cai, X Li, S Roy, JR Gord, “Validation of Temperature Imaging by H2O Absorption Spectroscopy Using Hyperspectral Tomography in Controlled Experiments”, Applied Optics, 50 (4), A29-A37 (2011)
1. MA Lin*, X Li, W Cai, S Roy, JR Gord, ST Sanders, “Selection of Multiple Optimal Absorption Transitions for Nonuniform Temperature Sensing”, Applied Spectroscopy, 64 (11), 1274-1282 (2010)


李雪松, 许敏,王上宁,杨尚泽,肖迪,袁志远,徐宏昌,王森,一种定光学深度的时变浑浊场模拟装置, CN111239079B

ILASS-International Hiroyuki Hiroyasu Award