
Two-Phase Flow and Local Heat Transfer in Plate Heat Exchangers
Posted by:     Time:2010-10-08

Topic: Two-Phase Flow and Local Heat Transfer in Plate Heat Exchangers
Speaker: Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Kabelac, Institute for Thermodynamics, Helmut-Schmidt University of the Federal Armed Forces Hamburg, Germany
Time: 3:00-5:00om, Oct 11
Venue: F210, Mechanical Building A

Plate heat exchangers are more and more successful in refrigeration applications, being used as evaporators as well as condensers. The Institute for Thermodynamics of the Helmut-Schmidt University in Hamburg, Germany, devotes some research efforts to elucidate the two-phase flow patterns in chevron type plate heat exchangers and to strengthen the knowledge on heat transfer in evaporation and condensation situations. Good correlations on pressure drop and local heat transfer coefficients need to know the flow pattern which is likely at the prevailing flow rates. Thus we operate a flow visualization test section and an experimental rig to measure local heat transfer coefficients. The presentation will introduce these experimental setups and discuss some results gained from them.


About the Speaker:
Stephan Kabelac is Professor for Thermodynamics at the University of the Federal Armed Forces in Hamburg, Germany, since 2001. Before that he was the Chair of the Institute for Thermodynamics at the University of Hannover, Germany, since 1994. From 1991 to 1994 he was assigned to the distillation and heat transfer research group at the Bayer Chemical Company AG, in Leverkusen, Germany. His research interests are in evaporation heat transfer, thermodynamic evaluation of energy conversion devices such as fuel cells, and with the measurement of thermophysical properties such as speed of sound, optical properties and thermal conductivity.

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