2017-2021 瑞典隆德大学 流体力学专业 博士
2014-2017 华中科技大学 动力机械及工程专业 硕士
2010-2014 华中科技大学 热能与动力工程专业 学士
2025 至今 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 副教授
2024-2025 上海交通大学 机械与动力工程学院 助理教授
2023-2024 英国伯明翰大学 机械工程学院 玛丽居里学者
2021-2023 瑞典隆德大学 能源科学学院 博士后
1. 高效、高精度反应流模拟方法;
2. 机器学习与燃烧模拟的结合;
3. 湍流反应流的数据同化。
1. 燃气轮机、内燃机等低碳清洁燃烧技术;
2. 喷雾燃烧中的点火、火焰稳定与污染物生成;
3. 闪急沸腾及其在动力装置和芯片制造等领域的应用。
国际燃烧学会(The Combustion Institute)会员;
担任 Combustion and Flame,Proceedings of the Combustion Institute,Applications in Energy and Combustion Science,Combustion Science and Technology,Fuel,International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,Energy and AI,SAE,实验流体力学等期刊/会议论文审稿人;
担任波兰国家科学中心(National Science Center, Poland)项目审稿人。
2024-2027,主持,上海交通大学Explore X基金;
[43] Peng F, Liu H, Kong C, Mi X, Tian B, Zheng Y, Xu, S, Cai W. Micro-explosion of burning iron particles with carbon impurity. Combustion and Flame, 2025, 274, 11394.
[42] Wu Z, Ruan C, Qiu Y, Stiti M, Xu S, Jüngst N, Berrocal E, Aldén M, Bai X S, Li Z. Flame structure of single aluminum droplets burning in hot steam-dominated flows. Combustion and Flame, 2025, 271: 113838.
[41] Jin Z, Wu H, Xu S, et al. A unified spray model for large eddy simulations under non-flashing and flash boiling conditions: Effects of in-nozzle flow and external thermal breakup in liquid ammonia injection. International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 2025, 184: 105116.
[40] He Y, Zheng Y, Xu S, et al. Neural refractive index field: Unlocking the potential of background-oriented schlieren tomography in volumetric flow visualization[J]. Physics of Fluids, 2025, 37, 017143.
[39] Xu S, Qiu Y, Xu L, et al. Phase change and combustion of iron particles in premixed CH4/O2/N2 flames. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 259: 113171.
[38] Zhang Y, Zhang Q, Cheng C, Xu S, et al. Effects of droplet evaporation on negative temperature coefficient phenomenon and a prediction model for two-stage auto-ignition. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 262: 113376.
[37] Qiu Y, Feng S, Wu Z, Xu S, Ruan C, Bai X S, Nilsson E, Aldén M, Li Z. Detailed numerical simulation and experiments of a steadily burning micron-sized aluminum droplet in hot steam-dominated flows. Proceeding of Combustion Institute, 2024, 40: 105717.
[36] Zhou Y, Xu S, Xu L, Bai X S. FGM modeling of ammonia/n-heptane combustion under RCCI engine conditions. Proceeding of Combustion Institute, 2024, 40: 105601.
[35] Wu Z, Ruan C, Stiti M, Xu S, Bai X S, Berrocal E, Aldén M, Li Z. Spatiotemporally resolved surface temperature measurement of aluminum ignition and combustion in steam and oxygenated environments. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 264: 113446.
[34] Feng S, Qiu Y, Xu S, et al. Modeling of micron-sized aluminum particle combustion in hot gas flow. Fuel, 2024, 369: 131718.
[33] Chen J R, Xu S, Liu H, Huang J, Liu Y, Cai W. Untrained neural network for linear tomographic absorption spectroscopy. Science China Technological Sciences, 2024: 1-10.
[32] Chen J, Peng F, Tian B, Kong C, Zheng Y, Xu S, Liu Y, Cai W. Simultaneous temperature and particle size measurement of burning iron particles using a single color camera. Measurement, 2024, 241: 115679.
[31] Peng F, Kong C, Liu H, Mi X, Xu S, Liu Y, Cai W. Ignition and combustion of a single iron particle with impurities in hot post-flame gas flow. Combustion and Flame, 2024, 265:113509.
[30] Hadadpour A, Xu S, Zhang Y, Bai X S, Jangi M. An extended FGM model with transported PDF for LES of spray combustion. Proceeding of Combustion Institute, 2023, 39: 4889-4898.
[29] Zhong S, Xu S, Zhang F, Peng Z, Chen L, Bai X S. Cool flame propagation in high pressure spray flames. Proceeding of Combustion Institute, 2023, 39: 2513-2522.
[28] Xu L, Xu S, Bai X S, Repo J A, Hautala S, Hyvönen J. Performance and emission characteristics of an ammonia/diesel dual-fuel marine engine. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2023: 185: 113631.
[27] Xu L, Xu S, Lu X, Jia M, Bai X S. Large eddy simulation of spray and combustion characteristics of biodiesel and biodiesel/butanol blend fuels in internal combustion engines. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 2023, 185: 100197.
[26] Ong J, Zhang Y, Xu S, Walther J, Bai X S, Pang K M. Large eddy simulation of n-dodecane spray flame: Effects of injection pressure on spray combustion characteristics at low ambient temperature. Proceeding of Combustion Institute, 2023, 39: 2631-2642.
[25] Yang M, Shenghui Zhong S, Xu S, Xu L, Ottosson P, Fatehi H, Bai X-S. CFD simulation of biomass combustion in an industrial circulating fluidized bed furnace. Combustion Science and Technology, 2023, 195: 3310-3340.
[24] Zhang M, Ong J, Pang K M, Xu S, Zhang Y, Nemati A, Bai X S Walther J H. Large eddy simulation of combustion recession: Effects of ambient temperature and injection pressure. Fuel, 2023, 351: 128831.
[23] Zhang Y, L Xu, Zhu Y, Xu S, Bai X S. Numerical study on liquid ammonia direct injection spray characteristics under engine-relevant conditions. Applied Energy, 2023, 334: 120680.
[22] Xu S, Zhong S, Zhang F, Bai X S. On the element mass conservation in Eulerian stochastic field modelling of turbulent combustion. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 239: 111577.
[21] Hadadpour A, Xu S, Pang K M, Bai X S, et al. Effects of pre-injection on ignition, combustion and emissions of spray under engine-like conditions. Combustion and Flame, 2022, 241: 112082.
[20] Zhong S, Xu L, Xu S, et al. Assessment of grid/filter size dependence in large eddy simulation of high-pressure spray flames. Fuel, 2022, 329: 125316.
[19] Guo L, Zhai M, Xu S, Shen Q, Dong P, Bai X S, Flame characteristics of methane/air with hydrogen addition in the micro adjustable-spaced combustor. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2022, 47: 19319-19337.
[18] Xu S, Pang K M, Li Y, Hadadpour A, et al. LES/TPDF investigation of the effects of ambient methanol concentration on pilot fuel ignition characteristics and reaction front structures. Fuel, 2021, 287: 119502.
[17] Xu S, Zhong S, Hadadpour A, Zhang Y, et al. Large-eddy simulation of the injection timing effects on the dual-fuel spray flame. Fuel, 2021, 310: 122445.
[16] Huang J, Li S, Sanned D, Xu L, Xu S, Cai W, Qian Y, Berrocal E, Aldén M, Li Z.S. A detailed study on the micro-explosion of burning iron particles in hot oxidizing environments. Combustion and Flame, 2021, 238: 111755.
[15] Ong J, Walther J H, Xu S, et al. Effects of ambient pressure and nozzle diameter on ignition characteristics in diesel spray combustion. Fuel, 2021, 290: 119887.
[14] Zhong S, Xu S, Bai X S, et al. Large eddy simulation of n-heptane/syngas pilot ignition spray combustion: ignition process, liftoff evolution and pollutant emissions. Energy, 2021, 233: 121080.
[13] Zhong S, Xu S, Bai X S, et al. Combustion characteristics of n-heptane spray combustion in a low temperature reform gas/air environment. Fuel, 2021, 293: 120377.
[12] Xu S, Zhong S, Pang K M, et al. Effects of ambient methanol on pollutants formation in dual-fuel spray combustion at varying ambient temperatures: A large-eddy simulation. Applied Energy, 2020, 279: 115774.
[11] Zhang Y, Xu S, Zhong S, et al. Large eddy simulation of spray combustion using flamelet generated manifolds combined with artificial neural networks. Energy and AI, 2020, 2: 100021.
[10] Xu S, Huang S, Huang R, et al. Estimation of turbulence characteristics from PIV in a high-pressure fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017, 110: 346-355.
[9] Pucilowski M, Li R, Xu S, et al. Comparison of kinetic mechanisms for numerical simulation of methanol combustion in DICI heavy-duty engine. No. 2019-01-0208. SAE Technical Paper, 2019.
[8] Huang S, Zhang Y, Huang R, Xu S, Ma Y, Wang Z. Quantitative characterization of crack and cell's morphological evolution in premixed expanding spherical flames. Energy, 2019, 171: 161-169.
[7] Zhang Y, Huang R, Huang Y, Huang S, Ma Y, Xu S, Zhou P. Effect of ambient temperature on the puffing characteristics of single butanol-hexadecane droplet. Energy, 2018, 145: 430-441.
[6] Zhang Y, Huang Y, Huang R, Huang S, Ma Y, Xu S, Wang Z. A new puffing model for a droplet of butanol-hexadecane blends. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2018, 133: 633-644.
[5] Zhang Y, Huang R, Xu S, Huang Y, Huang S, Ma Y. The effect of different n-butanol-fatty acid methyl esters (FAME) blends on puffing characteristics. Fuel, 2017, 208: 30-40.
[4] Ma Y, Huang S, Huang R, Zhang Y, Xu S. Ignition and combustion characteristics of n-pentanol-diesel blends in a constant volume chamber. Applied Energy, 2017, 185: 519-530.
[3] Zhang Y, Huang R, Wang Z, Xu S, Huang S, Ma Y. Experimental study on puffing characteristics of biodiesel-butanol droplet. Fuel, 2017, 191: 454-462.
[2] Ma Y, Huang R, Huang S, Zhang Y, Xu S. Experimental investigation on the effect of n-pentanol blending on spray, ignition and combustion characteristics of waste cooking oil biodiesel. Energy Conversion and Management, 2017, 148: 440-455.
[1] Ma Y, Huang R, Huang S, Zhang Y, Xu S. Spray and evaporation characteristics of n-pentanol-diesel blends in a constant volume chamber. Energy Conversion and Management, 2016, 130: 240-251.
[5] Xu S, Treacy M, Bai X S. On the combustion modes of ammonia/n-heptane dual-fuel spray combustion: 2D DNS. The 1st Symposium on Ammonia Energy, UK, 2022.
[4] Xu S, Zhang Y, Zhong S, Bai X S. Automatic generation of the reaction progress variable: a novel approach based on the artificial neural network. The 2nd International Conference on Energy and AI, UK, 2021.
[3] Xu S, Zhong S, Hadadpour A, et al. Effects of the injection timing on the dual-fuel spray flame: A large-eddy simulation. The 2nd world congress on internal combustion engines, China, 2021.
[2] Xu S, Bai X S, Li Y, et al. Modeling of ammonia solution spray and mixing in ive catalytic reduction (SCR) system. The 11th International Conference on Applied Energy, Sweden, 2019.
[1] Xu S, Bai X S, Li Y, Xu L. CFD study of ive catalytic reduction (SCR) ammonia solution spray in exhaust pipe of diesel engines. The 37th International Symposium on Combustion, Ireland, 2018.
- 许世杰. 液氨直喷与双燃料燃烧的高保真数值模拟. 交通能源与智能动力大会 (TEIP), 中国天津, 2023.
- Xu S. Numerical simulation of metal particle combustion. The 1st Workshop on Metal-enabled Cycle of Renewable Energy (MECRE), The Netherlands, 2022.
2022年,欧盟,玛丽·居里学者(Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Postdoctoral Fellowships)
2016年,教育部 (中国),国家奖学金(硕士)