2010.09-2014.08,Texas A&M University,材料学,博士
2003.09-2007.07, 中南大学,材料物理专业,学士
2017.11-2020.10,University of Michigan,核工程与放射科学系(密西根离子束实验室),助理研究员
2014.08-2017.11,University of Michigan,核工程与放射科学系(密西根离子束实验室),博士后
在读博士生:胡华彦 huayan_hu@sjtu.edu.cn;黎颖熹 yingxili@sjtu.edu.cn;宁泽昊 ningzehao@sjtu.edu.cn;赵天吉 tj_zhao@sjtu.edu.cn.
Scientific Report EBM
Acta Mater., Corros. Sci., JNM等期刊审稿人
1. 增材制造316L不锈钢的辐照损伤机理与成分探索,国家自然基金面上项目,2023-2026年,负责人。
2. 国家特聘专家(青年项目),2021-2023年,负责人。
3. 面向核结构材料服役评价多参量中子同步测试新技术,国家重点研发计划“大科学装置前沿研究”重点专项,2022-2026,研究骨干。
1. 基于3D打印的抗辐照加速应力开裂不锈钢的高通量研发,DOE-LDRD项目 #19A39-071FP,2018年10月-2020年9月, 合作主持。
2. 耐辐照加速应力腐蚀开裂3D打印不锈钢的机理,DOE-NE NSUF #20-2990 , 2020年3月-2020年9月,合作主持。
3. 核级石墨的辐照对其氧化性能的影响 DOE-NE NSUF #19-1774,2019年6月-2020年3月,主持。
4. 3D打印抗辐照损伤不锈钢的离子损伤,DOE-NE NSUF #18-1382,2018年9月-2019年3月,合作主持。
5. 镍基合金质子辐照致晶界偏析的关键评估 DOE-NE NSUF #16-610 ,2016年9月-2017年3月,主持。
6. 镍基合金中辐照加速长周期相的同步辐射研究, DOE-SCUF NSLS-II #301753, 2016年9月-12月,主持。
1. Z. Ning, H. Hu, T. Zhao, S. Wang, M. Song*, Enhanced electrical and mechanical properties of additively manufactured pure copper with green laser, Journal of Materials Processing Technology 334 (2024) 118615
2. H. Hu, T. Zhao, Z. Ning, J-F. Wen, T. Shen, S. Wang*, M. Song*, A novel age-hardenable austenitic stainless steel with superb printability, Acta Materialia (2024) 120547
3. H. Hu, Y. Pan, L. Hu, D. Du, S. Wang, J-F. Wen, M. Song*, Microstructure instability of additively manufactured alloy 718 fabricated by laser powder bed fusion during thermal exposure at 600-1000℃, Journal of Alloys and Compounds (2024) 177316
4. Y. Pan, H. Hu, K. Wang, N. Dong, R. Qiu, J. Wen*, M. Song*, S. Tu, Creep Behavior and Fracture Mechanism of an Additively Manufactured 316L Stainless Steel with Extraordinary Creep Resistance, Mechanics of Materials (2024) 105053.
5. M. Song*, K. G. Field, K. Sun, G. S. Was, Extending damage accumulation of commercial reactor irradiated 316 stainless steel with ion irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials (2024) 154989.
6. H. Hu, X. Pang, Y. Li, D. Du, S. Wang, Z. Luo*, M. Song*,A comparison study of high purity nickel fabricated by laser powder bed fusion and subjected to dynamic plastic deformation,Materialia(2024)102044.
7. S. Shen, Y. Li, L. Hao, X. Liu, X. hang, S. Zhang, J. Du, J. Zhang, K. Yang*, M. Song*, E. Fu*,Characterization of irradiation-induced dislocation loops and helium bubbles via electron channeling imaging,Materialia (2023)101987.
8. M. Song*, J. Yang, X. Liu, L. Hawkins, Z.Jiao, L. He, Y. Zhang, D. Schwen, X. Lou*, Void swelling in additively manufactured 316L stainless steel with hafnium composition gradient under self-ion irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials 578 (2023)154351.
9. L. Jiang, M. Song*, L. Yang, J. Yang, D. Du, X. Lou, Y. Chen*, A comparison study of void swelling in additively manufactured and cold-worked 316L stainless steels under ion irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 551(2021)152946. (Invited paper).
10. M. Song*, K. G. Field, R. M Cox, G.S. Was, Microstructural characterization of cold-worked 316 stainless steel flux thimble tubes irradiated up to 100 dpa in a commercial Pressurized Water Reactor, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 541 (2020) 152400.
11. L. Jiang*, D. Qiao, Z. Cao, C. Lu, M. Song*, L. Wang, Tunable mechanical property and strain hardening behavior of a single-phase CoFeNi2V0.5Mo0.2 high entropy alloy, Materials Science and Engineering A, 776 (2020) 139027.
12.M. Song*, C. Sun, Y. Chen, Z. Shang, J. Li, Z. Fan, K.T. Hartwig, X. Zhang*, Grain refinement mechanisms and strength-hardness correlation of ultra-fine grained Grade 91 steel processed by equal channel angular extrusion, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping,172 (2019) 212-219.
13. M. Song*, M. Wang, X. Lou, R. B. Rebak, G. S. Was, Radiation damage and irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking of additively manufactured 316L stainless steels, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 513 (2019) 33-44.(2018-2019 期刊最佳论文)
14. M. Song*, C. R. Lear, C. M. Parish, M. Wang, G. S. Was, Radiation tolerance of commercial and advanced alloys for core internals: a comprehensive microstructural characterization, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 510 (2018) 396-413.
15. M. Song*, Y. Yang, M. Wang, W. Kuang, C. R. Lear, G.S. Was, Probing long-range ordering in nickel-base alloys with proton irradiation, Acta Materialia, 156 (2018) 446-462.
16. M. Song*, J. -F. Wen, Z. Jiao, G. S. Was, Elastic strain energy control of the precipitate free zone around primary carbides in nickel base alloy 725, Acta Materialia, 120 (2016) 138-149.
17. M. Song*, C. Sun, Z. Fan, Y. Chen, R. Zhu, K. Y. Yu, K. T. Hartwig*, H. Wang, X. Zhang*, A roadmap for tailoring the strength and ductility of ferritic/martensitic T91 steel via thermo-mechanical treatment, Acta Materialia, 112 (2016) 361-377.
18. M. Song, Y. D. Wu, D. Chen, X. M. Wang, C. Sun, K.Y. Yu, Y. Chen, L. Shao, Y. Yang, K. T. Hartwig*, and X. Zhang*, Response of ECAE processed ultrafine grained T91 steel subjected to high temperature heavy ion irradiation, Acta Materialia, 74 (2014) 285-295
19. M. Song, R. Zhu, D. C. Foley, C. Sun, Y. Chen, K. T. Hartwig*, X. Zhang*, Enhancement of strength and ductility in ultrafine-grained T91 steel through thermomechanical treatments, Journal of Materials Science, 48 (2013) 7360-7373.
20. M. Song, C. Sun, J. Jang, C.H. Han, T.K. Kim, K.T. Hartwig*, X. Zhang*, Microstructure refinement and strengthening mechanisms of a 12Cr ODS steel processed by equal channel angular extrusion, Journal of Alloys and Compound, 577 (2013) 247-256.
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2018-2019年Journal of Nuclear Materials期刊最佳论文(2020年)
2023年Journal of Nuclear Materials期刊最佳论文(2024年)
2020 国家特聘青年专家(第十六批)